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Thread: Pentax Zone V completely off

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Pentax Zone V completely off

    I'm a bit confused. Do you have a Pentax spot meter that has been modified by (the long-gone) Zone VI Studios? Those had filters added to more closely align the meter to the sensitivity of panchromatic film. In theory these mods let you "meter through the filter"; I used one for many years and it did work very well that way. Richard Ritter used to work for Zone VI, and as others have said, will be a fine choice to calibrate your meter, modified or not.

  2. #22
    Nicholas O. Lindan
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Cleveland, Ohio

    Re: Pentax Zone V completely off

    Quote Originally Posted by PatrickMarq View Post
    ...Did a metering test with a grey card:
    Digital camera ISO 100 and f16 as expected.
    Pentax ISO 100 but 15,5 not 15 - 1/2 stop off.
    For such disparate methods I would say the results are spot-on. Take some test shots and see if its all good now.
    Darkroom Automation / Cleveland Engineering Design, LLC
    f-Stop Timers & Enlarging meters

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