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Thread: The Ries Tripods business status thread

  1. #11
    Vaughn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Humboldt County, CA

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    Alas, it just tells me I need to take better care of my beast...

    I had to have a part replaced, but that was back just after Ries moved up north.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    You should definitely post this in the Buyer-Seller Advisories SUB-FORUM -- SEE THE TOP OFF THE PAGE AND CLICK "FORUM":

    Here's what it's for -- and tell Ries that you reported them:

    Any reports about the outcomes of transactions with providers of products and services to large-format photographers must be made in the "Buyer/Seller Advisories" sub-forum. The purpose of this sub-forum is to provide a service to large-format photographers who need to know whom to trust in a small market. All posts in other forums complaining about specific transactions will be moved to this forum, and repeated mispostings by a person may result in moderator action. Threads in the Buyer/Seller Advisories forum must be: -Factual -Unemotional -Related only to what actually happened. Comments about the character or honesty of the person described will be deleted without notice, and repeated negative personal comments will result in moderator actions. Remember, personal attacks and abuse to other site users is not allowed on this forum. Demands for action are also not appropriate anywhere on the Large Format Photography Forum, and will be removed. The LFPF does not provide any mechanism for seeking resolution of an unsatisfactory transaction--resolution must be pursued outside the forum. This sub-forum is for simple reports of outcomes of transactions here and elsewhere. If the transaction occurred elsewhere, then it must involve transactions of products or services relevant to the large-format community.

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Palo Alto, CA, USA

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    I ordered a tripod from them less than a year ago. The screw used to attach the tripod head was bent, preventing a head from being attached. They replaced it without much difficulty, but they wanted to receive the bad one before they would send a replacement.

    Attaching the knobs to the threaded pieces seems to be a weakness in their production methods. When I called them about getting the replacement they didn't seem surprised. I thought it was odd that they botched up, and weren't surprised, but I had to prove it before they took care of the problem. Their attitude towards customers isn't 5-star.

    I am quite happy with the tripod.

  4. #14
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    I alway had superb rapid service from them, great quality too. I wonder if this is something pandemic-related which hit so many small businesses hard, and has proved difficult to overcome even now. They themselves are dependent upon subcontractors for components. Or it could be a generational issue; that kind of thing happens too. Hope they can respond with a reasonable answer.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    I called again this afternoon (after starting this thread) and Spencer answered. Spoke with him for over 17 minutes and he brought up every issue you mention here in addition to his other two employees in the office are both out too plus he’s been out sick for nearly a week thus no returned e-mails (no good internet service at home I guess) and no returned calls. He did assure me he would send me two new brass retaining nuts and then has quite a lot of others to resolve for the same issue. Anyway, I am glad it is still going and hopefully going forward. I really like the tripod and hope he is able to keep the business going.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    I alway had superb rapid service from them, great quality too. I wonder if this is something pandemic-related which hit so many small businesses hard, and has proved difficult to overcome even now. They themselves are dependent upon subcontractors for components. Or it could be a generational issue; that kind of thing happens too. Hope they can respond with a reasonable answer.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    I'm with Drew...probably a pandemic-related issue, even though most think the pandemic is over. That said, seeing the stories in this thread sure makes me glad I bought my A100 and head (A200?) 40 years ago. Hope you get satisfaction eventually.

  7. #17

    Join Date
    Nov 2022

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    I placed an order from them at the end of July and was told that it would likely be 3-4 weeks until it shipped. I called last week and they said it should be shipping the end of this week. They said that they have had a surge of orders, particularly for A-100/A-250 tripods/heads. Said they normally get more J-model orders, so this was a bit surprising, and they are doing all they can to keep (or catch) up with orders. They thought there may be a resurgence of 8x10 in the US; also mentioned that Ilford was going to start making film in the US.

  8. #18
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    WOW Good news!

    Quote Originally Posted by WBYonder View Post
    I placed an order from them at the end of July and was told that it would likely be 3-4 weeks until it shipped. I called last week and they said it should be shipping the end of this week. They said that they have had a surge of orders, particularly for A-100/A-250 tripods/heads. Said they normally get more J-model orders, so this was a bit surprising, and they are doing all they can to keep (or catch) up with orders. They thought there may be a resurgence of 8x10 in the US; also mentioned that Ilford was going to start making film in the US.
    Tin Can

  9. #19

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    Jun 2015

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    Quote Originally Posted by WBYonder View Post
    also mentioned that Ilford was going to start making film in the US.
    Before anyone gets their underwear in a twist, this, if it means anything based in reality, likely refers to master roll conversion - the M14 coating machine is nowhere near capacity, but Ilford's 35mm conversion capacity (and possibly 120 too) seems to be near flat-out - to the extent that it seems to be affecting their ability to keep up with conversion of other products.

  10. #20

    Join Date
    Jan 2023

    Re: Ries Tripods - Are they done?

    Quote Originally Posted by WBYonder View Post
    I placed an order from them at the end of July and was told that it would likely be 3-4 weeks until it shipped. I called last week and they said it should be shipping the end of this week. They said that they have had a surge of orders, particularly for A-100/A-250 tripods/heads. Said they normally get more J-model orders, so this was a bit surprising, and they are doing all they can to keep (or catch) up with orders. They thought there may be a resurgence of 8x10 in the US; also mentioned that Ilford was going to start making film in the US.
    Interesting in that on August 11th they made a post on the website that they had 5 Rosewood A series tripod/head kits and were offering them for 40% off. Maybe overbuilt or someone back out of an order. I hope your experience goes much better and you get it when they said and everything is of good quality.

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