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Thread: Use of color head for VC printing

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironage View Post
    If you are using Multigrade paper, there is a chart for each enlarger type that tells you what settings for each contrast grade. There is a chart that adds density to the filter pack so you don’t need to adjust exposure when you change grade. The instruction sheet is available on the ilford website that you can download. This will give a good starting point.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Ok..thx for the info. The link if I'm correct is... As usual I will make my own test and then correlate each setting to the degree of contrast rendered. I have a few charts I can use and in books too. Not sure still if I can get more contrast with a poly contrast 5 filter but I'll test for this as well. thx again.

  2. #12

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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    I don’t see the utility in using both for speed control since the speed is only ever matched at one tone and that isn’t at a point that works for my way of printing. So I either make new test strips when I change filtration, or I use split grade printing. Split grade has so many advantages that it’s my preference, but not if I have to spin dials on a color head.

  3. #13
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Ironage - first of all, even dichroic filters in colorheads shift over time, due to either spalling off some of their coatings when old, or simply accumulating grime over the long haul. Second, those comparison charts only take into account a few common amateur colorheads. Third, dials and so forth aren't typically all that precisely calibrated unit to unit. Even if there are automated feedback loops monitoring the light for sake of repeat accuracy, those are dependent upon color sensors which themselves get dirty or otherwise affected over time. Simple test strips are so darn easy to do with VC paper that I simply don't understand the need for all the supplementary fuss.

  4. #14

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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Ironage - first of all, even dichroic filters in colorheads shift over time, due to either spalling off some of their coatings when old, or simply accumulating grime over the long haul. Second, those comparison charts only take into account a few common amateur colorheads. Third, dials and so forth aren't typically all that precisely calibrated unit to unit. Even if there are automated feedback loops monitoring the light for sake of repeat accuracy, those are dependent upon color sensors which themselves get dirty or otherwise affected over time. Simple test strips are so darn easy to do with VC paper that I simply don't understand the need for all the supplementary fuss.
    The conventional wisdom behind the dichroic color head is that the filters are not supposed to wear out with usage, as the filter drawer based ilford set does.

    However, the fuss is simple.. we want a reliable and affordable method to relegate a contrast grade to an image.. we dont want to have to do 30 or 40 test prints for every image we print.

    Its not 1990 and we have to do 3 rolls of slide film so we can get the lighting just right for the final good slide image we take.

  5. #15
    wclark5179's Avatar
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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Info from Ilford for VC paper contrast control:

  6. #16
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    I have a very old Color Head, no dichrolic filters

    It has a strange lamp almost like the not invented LED

    I replaced the OE Fan with computer Fan

    and hold filters under the lens

    in motion

    workes great

    and saved another CB7
    Tin Can

  7. #17
    Drew Wiley
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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Torquemada - Ironically, you're the one named after the torture chamber Inquisitor methodologist, not me. I typically need only one of two small test strips to tell me exactly what I need to do. It's fast and inexpensive. But Trying to pigeonhole modern VC paper response into old grade numbers that never were consistent brand to brand to begin with is a redundant waste of time and energy. And it won't get you a hole in one anyway.

    No, it's not 1990 - most darkroom approaches have actually degraded from that era. Incidentally, I never bracketed even color chrome exposures. The invention of light meters solved that issue. And by 1990, color films were being very consistently coated batch to batch. And in 1990, I was mostly shooting 8X10 film, so trial duplicate exposures were out of the question - it had to be done right the first time, every time.

  8. #18

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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Torquemada - Ironically, you're the one named after the torture chamber Inquisitor methodologist, not me. I typically need only one of two small test strips to tell me exactly what I need to do. It's fast and inexpensive. But Trying to pigeonhole modern VC paper response into old grade numbers that never were consistent brand to brand to begin with is a redundant waste of time and energy. And it won't get you a hole in one anyway.

    No, it's not 1990 - most darkroom approaches have actually degraded from that era. Incidentally, I never bracketed even color chrome exposures. The invention of light meters solved that issue. And by 1990, color films were being very consistently coated batch to batch. And in 1990, I was mostly shooting 8X10 film, so trial duplicate exposures were out of the question - it had to be done right the first time, every time.
    That era is a bygone one, my only experience with film in the 1990s being a middle schooler who was allowed to get a really low cost film camera at a yard sale but never being allowed to purchase film. Because developing was to costly..

    The modern age of RC VC paper does make the concept of "contrast grade" somewhat meaningless. With the companies putting so many developer accelerants into the emulsion in an attempt to make it more sensitive,, its not fun. Cant get Ilford to work with my dichroic head.. its either 1 "grade" to bright, or too dark.

  9. #19

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    The "Live Free or Die" state

    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    Quote Originally Posted by Torquemada View Post
    That era is a bygone one, my only experience with film in the 1990s being a middle schooler who was allowed to get a really low cost film camera at a yard sale but never being allowed to purchase film. Because developing was to costly..

    The modern age of RC VC paper does make the concept of "contrast grade" somewhat meaningless. With the companies putting so many developer accelerants into the emulsion in an attempt to make it more sensitive,, its not fun. Cant get Ilford to work with my dichroic head.. its either 1 "grade" to bright, or too dark.
    Have you tried fresh Ilford below the lens contrast filters? Give them a try if you can. That should show you whether you are having an issue with the head or something else like the paper or your film development.

    Another simple experiment is to print with no filters, which should give you a grade 2ish contrast. If your print contrast is off there adjust your development so it’s close. VC paper works best in my experience the closer the negative is to normal contrast.

    In all of your tests ensure you a developing the paper long enough for the image to have stopped changing, also known as developing for long enough to reach maximum black.

  10. #20
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: Use of color head for VC printing

    The Ilford information in the supplied charts is good. I have made my own charts, but they are similar to the Ilford ones.

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