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Thread: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

  1. #41

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Austin, TX

    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Fitzgerald View Post
    To me ULF is a contact print from a ULF film negative, period. Now that is just me. We all can agree that seeing prints in person is the only way to enjoy a finely crafted contact print. I am very fortunate to know Vaughn. He is me very dear friend and the one who's work inspired me to become a carbon printer many years ago. Seeing his prints literally changed my life and direction as an artist. Seeing the prints is a must. I'm lucky in that I get to see many of Vaughn's prints and teach carbon printing at Yosemite with him. So a gathering somewhere? How, when and where. Most of us can only do sites like this to share our work. Sad but true. My friend Luther Gerlach is an amazing collodion artist who works with ULF and also prints in historic processes.
    Well said Jim. I agree 100%.

  2. #42
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Not trying to be a wet blanket

    I bet ARTIC basement (the main photo exhibit space) is booked years ahead

    Some times they allow a quicky in the North corridor

    But small and narrow, not ideal narrow

    I have no Chicago connections' anymore

    2003 to 2017 I had a large exhibition space in our Bloomingdale Art Condo Building Room

    and my space was a huge DR

    21 ft of SS sinks, any enlarger and more

    I posted it with Ilford Darkroom search

    I was in Art Central Wicker Park

    I moved rural 2017 with my DR

    Darkroom 3 by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr

    17 0f 23 feet of SS sink by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr

    CB 7 Enlarger by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  3. #43

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    north of the 49th

    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaughn View Post
    I need to be using my 11x14 more if I am to call myself a ULF photographer. 8x10 has been my usual go-to, but 5x7 is so sweet! And even 4x5.
    I couldn't agree more re: 5x7 being sweet, maybe it's the proportions, dunno. It sees more use than my 8x10 or 7x17. Haven't enlarged them yet but have been making Pt prints instead, which I'm really digging.
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  4. #44
    Angus Parker angusparker's Avatar
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    San Francisco, USA

    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    A plug for a California location for a ULF gathering in 2024. There is some critical mass in this state….of course I always seem to miss them due to scheduling conflicts.

  5. #45

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    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by angusparker View Post
    A plug for a California location for a ULF gathering in 2024. There is some critical mass in this state….of course I always seem to miss them due to scheduling conflicts.
    Please elaborate on the "critical mass". I know that there are some prominent/gifted practictioners but are there facilities or potential partner organizations you are thinking of?

  6. #46
    Angus Parker angusparker's Avatar
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    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by FrancisF View Post
    Please elaborate on the "critical mass". I know that there are some prominent/gifted practictioners but are there facilities or potential partner organizations you are thinking of?
    No, more the prominent/gift practitioners - no idea of facilities or partners (at least from a darkroom / photography front). Having said that it would be very cool to get an exhibit of ULF photographs hosted at Pier 24 in San Francisco. It is a wonderful space that anyone into photography should visit if they are in the city. Reservations are free but need to be made in advance as they limit the number of visitors per hour:

  7. #47

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    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by angusparker View Post
    No, more the prominent/gift practitioners - no idea of facilities or partners (at least from a darkroom / photography front). Having said that it would be very cool to get an exhibit of ULF photographs hosted at Pier 24 in San Francisco. It is a wonderful space that anyone into photography should visit if they are in the city. Reservations are free but need to be made in advance as they limit the number of visitors per hour:
    What are gift practitioners? Didn't Pier 24 close down earlier this year?

  8. #48

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    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post
    What are gift practitioners? Didn't Pier 24 close down earlier this year?


    1) I used the phrase "prominent/gifted practictioners" to try to describe what I see in the field of ULF. There are some who, through dint of effort have become prominent and well known for their beautiful ULF work. But there are so many more who do wonderful ULF work (they are gifted) but they are not well known. I wanted to see if we could show examples of both.

    2) Thanks for the update on Peir 24. This is exactly the sort of venue that might be appropriate for an ULF show....but they are closed.

    As many people know, the lead time for a formal, well considered exhibit in a gallery space can take years to plan. So I suspect many galleries/musums are booked for 2024 and beyond. And they required substantial funds to support.

    I was thought was that an ULF event should have a workshop component - so an affilation with an academic program could be helpful. Like the ones (I missed) at the Waterford School in Utah. I know that many of the people in this LF Community were involved.

    But the economic model I was thinking of was more like the series of Southern California Large and Ultralarge Format Meet and Greets (that I also missed). I gather that the leaders, Tri Tran, Hugo Zhang and Jim Fitzgerald, keep costs at an absolute minimum with volunteer work and low cost facilities

    So at this point, I am exploring what it might take to put together a ULF gathering in 2024. I am not saying this is a good or practical idea.....but I know there is a core of people who would enjoy it. So why not try?

    Last edited by FrancisF; 8-Aug-2023 at 10:51. Reason: clarification

  9. #49

    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    Quote Originally Posted by FrancisF View Post

    1) I used the phrase "prominent/gifted practictioners" to try to describe what I see in the field of ULF. There are some who, through dint of effort have become prominent and well known for their beautiful ULF work. But there are so many more who do wonderful ULF work (they are gifted) but they are not well known. I wanted to see if we could show examples of both.
    angusparker used the term gift practitioner which I didn't understand. Gifted practitioner makes sense.

  10. #50
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: 2024 is the year of ultra large photography

    We also have

    Deep in MO woods with St Louis outlet

    He made a NEW large DR and studio and home! Very Smart Move

    If this dream is real you need a venue in a major city


    Many artist are escaping anyway they can from cities

    that's what I did

    btw 20X24 becomes much larger with margins of matt board and FRAME

    My biggest DIGI print framed is 54" X 60" it fills one wall

    and settled with WET prints no larger than 16X20 without framing

    They sit in drawers
    Tin Can

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