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Thread: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

  1. #51

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    Chicago, IL

    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Pieter View Post
    Just for the record, Photoshop preceded commercial digital cameras by two years
    And the manipulation of photographs precedes Photoshop by more than 100 years.

  2. #52
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Lewin View Post
    Alan, here's one: Maggie Taylor, the wife of Jerry Uelsmann. Where Uelsmann was famous for creating his photographic collages from images he photographed and then combined on multiple enlargers, Maggie makes her collages on a computer screen using lots of imagery beyond photographs:
    You will notice that her work is sold by photography galleries.
    But Peter, she uses a camera. She creates collages that she photographs with a camera, not much different than a still life photographer shooting flower arrangements.

    Becoming “increasingly interested in inventing my own world in front of the camera,” Maggi Taylor began her photographic career through the use of old snapshots, objects, and bits of text to create three-dimensional collages which she then photographed. What resulted were surreal,intriguing and often whimsical images, created through a combination of these various elements and, more recently, Adobe Photoshop, for whom she also does graphic work. Since 1986 Taylor has worked exclusively with still-life arrangements. Taylor has said that she wishes “the viewer to experience a convergence of factual memory and fictional daydream similar to my own.”

  3. #53
    Pieter's Avatar
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    And like other photographic artists, she uses a scanner as well as a camera. There are others who bypass the camera entirely, using only a scanner to capture images.

  4. #54
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    If you ask me ( and I know you aren’t ). Unless it’s a calotype, salt print, daguerreotype or cyanotype it’s not real photography.. and I think it’s kind of funny people make such a big stink about these things. I could rail on and on about this but I don’t really care and what other people make or call photographs is kind of their own business. When someone who has a clue asks them a question about process and intent is pretty much where it counts…

  5. #55
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Good to know

    Are negative based cyanotype contact prints real?

    I have a problem materizing them at the moment

    I will try try again!

    Quote Originally Posted by jnantz View Post
    If you ask me ( and I know you aren’t ). Unless it’s a calotype, salt print, daguerreotype or cyanotype it’s not real photography.. and I think it’s kind of funny people make such a big stink about these things. I could rail on and on about this but I don’t really care and what other people make or call photographs is kind of their own business. When someone who has a clue asks them a question about process and intent is pretty much where it counts…
    Tin Can

  6. #56

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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post
    Good to know

    Are negative based cyanotype contact prints real?

    I have a problem materizing them at the moment

    I will try try again!
    I am not sure what "real" means in this context. I am not sure what "materizing" means in any context. I have made cyanotypes in a couple of different ways and they all seemed real to me.

    I just read that Congress is considering legislating a transgender sports ban. Forget the politics. Is that what the anti-digital, anti-AI, anti-[fill in the blank] positions are all about? Cries of unfair competition from the camera club contest crowd? I think a significant amount of the sentiment points in that direction, especially from those talking about quitting photography. Taking their toys and going home? Instead of limiting the definition of photography, maybe we should have a new category of photography: artisanal photography. Artisinal photographers would probably love it. Then they could exclude digital photographers from crafts fairs. I think photography is a big tent, not a pup tent with a bouncer guarding the entrance.
    Last edited by faberryman; 20-Apr-2023 at 07:00.

  7. #57
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    I spelled a word wrong

    my bad

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post
    I am not sure what "real" means in this context. I am not sure what "materizing" means in any context. I have made cyanotypes in a couple of different ways and they all seemed real to me.
    Tin Can

  8. #58

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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Most threads have an elephant in the room, and in this case you've now pointed it out.

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post

    I just read that Congress is considering legislating a transgender sports ban. Forget the politics. Is that what the anti-digital, anti-AI, anti-[fill in the blank] positions are all about? Cries of unfair competition from the camera club contest crowd? I think a significant amount of the sentiment points in that direction, especially from those talking about quitting photography. Taking their toys and going home? Instead of limiting the definition of photography, maybe we should have a new category of photography: artisanal photography. Artisinal photographers would probably love it. Then they could exclude digital photographers from crafts fairs. I think photography is a big tent, not a pup tent with a bouncer guarding the entrance.

  9. #59

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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post
    I spelled a word wrong

    my bad
    I still don't know what word you were intending to use, so I can't make heads or tails of the meaning you were intending to convey. If it had been just an obvious typo, I wouldn't have mentioned it. Being a master of the typo myself, I tend to gloss over the typos of others. I thought "materizing" might be a term of art for something I was unfamiliar with.

  10. #60
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Artist Refuses Prize After His AI Image Wins at Top Photo Contest


    appear or be present:
    "the train didn't materialize"
    turn up

    Quote Originally Posted by faberryman View Post
    I still don't know what word you were intending to use, so I can't make heads or tails of the meaning you were intending to convey. If it had been just an obvious typo, I wouldn't have mentioned it. Being a master of the typo myself, I tend to gloss over the typos of others. I thought "materizing" might be a term of art for something I was unfamiliar with.
    Tin Can

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