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Thread: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

  1. #11
    Corran's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    North GA Mountains

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Short answer, YES, it illuminates and covers 8x10 to the corner - I've used one as such. Is it the best 210mm lens for this purpose, no, but it absolutely does work and may be perfectly suited to your purpose.

    Example image from 210mm Symmar-S on 8x10:

    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
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  2. #12

    Join Date
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    now in Tucson, AZ

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Thank you, Bryan, for providing actual evidence. An interesting photo too.

  3. #13
    Corran's Avatar
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    North GA Mountains

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Thanks Mark. While this older photo doesn't have the rebate as back then my scanner didn't allow for that, if it did it would show clearly defined edges demonstrating coverage all the way to the corner of the film. I was always pleased with the images from the 210mm Symmar-S. I did replace it with a Graphic Kowa later simply due to having a larger image circle for movements that I ended up using for architectural images.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  4. #14
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Not so fast. That's a head-on shot, Bryan. Now show something with VC movements involved, and it will be more representative, unless of course, one only plans on using such a lens head-on, or at greater bellows extension for close-ups. I even have a 180 plasmat with a big enough circle of illumination to cover 8X10 head-on at infinity; but unless the result were reduced in scale like for the web, everything well into the margins and corners would look pretty funky, even in an 8x10 contact print.

    What I do miss about the 210 Symmar S is the gentler out of focus rendering than later equivalents. And I also liked the extra rise I could get out of it in the mountains on 4x5 format. But it took 77mm filters, something of an oddball size compared to my other lenses. I have a few framed pictures taken with that lens in this room, both b&w and color Ciba. But I sure as heck wouldn't want anything enlarged that big if shot with that same lens using 8x10 film. It would stand out like a sore thumb. Just sayin'. Breaking rules can be fun; but know what to expect.

  5. #15
    Corran's Avatar
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    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Not going to argue with you about it.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  6. #16

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    Jan 2023

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Corran View Post
    Short answer, YES, it illuminates and covers 8x10 to the corner - I've used one as such. Is it the best 210mm lens for this purpose, no, but it absolutely does work and may be perfectly suited to your purpose.

    Example image from 210mm Symmar-S on 8x10:

    Very good, thank you for the sample!

  7. #17

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    Jan 2023

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    Short answer, NO. The 210 S has a fairly large image circle, so should be OK for 5X7. I just can't imagine it being realistic for 8X10 unless you don't mind very small stops with funky corner performance. I shot one of those many years for 4X5. But moving from a 210 S to a 240 S is like going from a pony to a hippopotamus - one big clunker to haul around unless you're in a studio. The far more portable 240/250 lenses I have successfully used on 8x10 include the 250/6.7 Fuji W, the 250/9 Fuji A, and the 240/9 G-Claron.
    Thanks Drew, I just picked up a 240 S as well so sounds like that one will cover better.

  8. #18

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    Jan 2023

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Unkefer View Post
    Cuyahoga Falls 8x10 HP5 PMK 240 Symmar Ektalure R by Nokton48, on Flickr

    240mm chrome Symmar Norma Barrel Mount 8x10 Norma HP5 PMK+ Contact print on 8x10 Ektalure R paper, processed in Ektonol. Covers no problem.
    Try the 210mm for your purposes. Betcha it might work (Maybe). Try it! In other words, TEST IT and see for yourself and your uses. Sometimes I like corner vignetting. Depends on my goal; Cheap Great lens too; I paid $200 to Glenn Evans for mine. Worth every penny
    Thanks Daniel, I just picked up a 240 S as well so will test them both.

  9. #19
    Drew Wiley
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    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Wow. That's a nice combination to own. But at my age now, I gotta stick with lighter, more compact lenses for backpack purposes. I tend to favor longer focal length per format, so always have a tiny 250 Fuji A in the pack for 4x5 use, which doubles nicely as a wide for 8x10, with decent wiggle room. But the 240 Symmar S will have a significantly bigger image circle with slightly better resolution way out in the corners. Doesn't make much difference unless you're printing really big; but there is that ... ah... Symmar S look which is really nice at times - no quite so "clinically" hard-sharp as later lenses.

  10. #20

    Re: Schneider Symmar-S 210m F5.6 Lens - Will this work for 8x10?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhanner View Post
    Thanks Daniel, I just picked up a 240 S as well so will test them both.
    Good Deal. You'll like 'em.
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