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Thread: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

  1. #1

    Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Hi all,

    In October 2023, I'll be heading off to photograph an extreme action sports competition that takes place in a mountainous region of a windy desert. I am looking to capture this event on an 8x10 camera... because I like pain and heartbreak, I suppose!

    In all seriousness, I want to use the larger format and the extensive lens movements to help convey just how wild the terrain is that these athletes are riding on. There will be a mix of portraits and action shots.

    I would love to shoot with an 8x10 body and lens combo that will:
    1) survive out in the desert for over a week of windy, sandy and exposed shooting conditions
    2) has the fastest shutter speeds possible
    3) has "interesting" bokeh (not looking for a clinical look and will almost always be shooting wide open)
    4) 5.6 or 4.5 max aperture would be ideal, for thin DOF

    I fully realize that the obvious answer to the criteria above is the Aero/Speed combo, which I used to shoot with, but I would very much like to shoot this project on 8x10.

    I'm completely new to the world of 8x10, so any help is much appreciated!

  2. #2
    jp's Avatar
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    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Most of the 4.5/5.6 lenses for 8x10 will be in a big shutter like the ilex5 which has a max speed of 1/50th. If it's less modern, then an older pneumatic shutter.

    You have a ton of lens choices.

    If it's not needing to be super portable, you can modify a speed graphic to act as a shutter and get your 1/1000 or so.

  3. #3
    Mark Sawyer's Avatar
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    Stuck inside of Tucson with the Neverland Blues again...

    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Be aware that most 8x10 shutter have a fastest speed of 1/50 or 1/100 of a second. For action shots, you would probably be much better off with that 4x5 Speed Graphic you mentioned.
    "I love my Verito lens, but I always have to sharpen everything in Photoshop..."

  4. #4

    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Thanks! I've found a Schneider 240mm Apo-Symmar f/5.6 with a Compur 3 shutter that maxes out at 1/250, which isn't too bad. I also saw the 300mm 5.6 version in the same shutter online, which gives me hope! Is there any reason to stay clear of this type of shutter?

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Curious, previous sheet film view camera experience would be _?_

    This view camera stuff, specially 8x10 is zero like a roll film or digital camera.. Entirely different can-O-film...


    Quote Originally Posted by The Loam Ranger View Post
    Hi all,

    In October 2023, I'll be heading off to photograph an extreme action sports competition that takes place in a mountainous region of a windy desert. I am looking to capture this event on an 8x10 camera... because I like pain and heartbreak, I suppose!

    In all seriousness, I want to use the larger format and the extensive lens movements to help convey just how wild the terrain is that these athletes are riding on. There will be a mix of portraits and action shots.

    I would love to shoot with an 8x10 body and lens combo that will:
    1) survive out in the desert for over a week of windy, sandy and exposed shooting conditions
    2) has the fastest shutter speeds possible
    3) has "interesting" bokeh (not looking for a clinical look and will almost always be shooting wide open)
    4) 5.6 or 4.5 max aperture would be ideal, for thin DOF

    I fully realize that the obvious answer to the criteria above is the Aero/Speed combo, which I used to shoot with, but I would very much like to shoot this project on 8x10.

    I'm completely new to the world of 8x10, so any help is much appreciated!

  6. #6
    ic-racer's Avatar
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    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Quote Originally Posted by The Loam Ranger View Post
    a mountainous region of a windy desert.!
    Just about any modern 8x10 lens, camera and shutter will have nearly identical specs. How will you manage the film holders? You probably need a large changing bag.

    You will need a lot of light to expose film at 1/250. It is 3:00PM and the sun is in a couple hours with not a cloud in the sky. Pointing my meter out the window show 1/250 at f4 with ISO 400 film

  7. #7
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...


    Dust will eat it

    Ever been in desert?

    I have
    Tin Can

  8. #8

    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Bernice - as I mentioned in the original post, I've shot 4x5 quite extensively, so the process is not new to me. I do fully realize that going to 8x10 makes everything bigger and heavier, which I am okay with (I'll have an assistant with me to help manage the load).

    ic-racer - good call. Fortunately there are no trees and this area is bathed in rather harsh sunlight throughout most of the time I'll be shooting. For me, I know that I will not be able to fully freeze the action of the athletes during their runs (I need closer to 1/1000 for that), but I do want as much opportunity as I can to shoot the lens wide open.

    Tin Can - Classic internet commenter, right there haha. The reality is that this camera setup may be completely destroyed by the end of this project, but I am willing to accept that if it means I can produce the work I have in mind.

    Any rugged 8x10 bodies you would suggest for something like this? I don't need every movement available, just basic front standard movements, really.

  9. #9

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    Oct 2015

    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    It seems to me that working in conditions as you describe is going to demand a fairly heavy camera and tripod. For lens choice, your basic options are small, slow(ish) lenses in Copal 0 or 1 shutters (which will give you speeds up to 1/500) or faster lenses that are BIG and HEAVY. But as Tin Can already pointed out DUST BAD!! I live in the desert and, trust me, sand can and will get everywhere in windy conditions.

  10. #10
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Help finding the right 8x10 camera/lens for a silly project...

    Calumet C1 Magnesium version

    With heavy duty new belows

    But it is a vented design so good luck

    I deliberately took no cameras to Burning Man 1999, except a sealed DIGI

    Baggy every Holder

    Duplicate all gear

    No fun for you
    Tin Can

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