Quote Originally Posted by schafphoto View Post
I feel you. But it would be honest to say that after initial contact printing, most of the film transmitted to HDP since 1990 will never, ever see the light of an enlarger lamp house... so it is basically an analog input for a digital output.

At least most of the documents in Cali are still film. And most of the film I send will get scanned eventually, so I'm taking the long view. And the last iteration of born-digital HABS/HAER guidelines still allowed for analog large format, so we can avoid the investment in digital medium format for the near term, and keep exposing silver.
Yeah I know, film >digital output, the contact prints were just a reference for the all important (physical) negative ! scans on PMCs are perfect for that..
All that said, it's still nuts for the states HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICES to refuse film. You'd think cultural resource management professionals, would realize once something's gone, it's gone. kind of boggles the mind.