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Thread: The "Art" School is Dead

  1. #1 tgtaylor's Avatar
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  2. #2

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    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    /That/ one certainly is - though I wouldn't want to extrapolate to 'art school' in general. Another branch of my family are all artists, in some medium or other, and some have taught formally, so I may have some bias.

  3. #3
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    The most famous artist in Chicago has preached for at least 3 decades

    don't go to art school, not me

    I obtained MFA, about the same time, as old man, I knew the oracle from bar life, Tony, big man, big drinker, loud

    I had a lot of fun with all students even some 3 ART colleges

    All colleges and Student Loans are dying dinosaurs

    I made my MFA Thesis Performance Art in the street with old camper as prop, in front of the college, downtown Chicago

    I made short video of anybody I could get in my camper

    My only question, "How will you pay those huge loans?" They had 3 minutes, timed by photo timer

    no worries...LOL

    Student Loans Masters Thesis 2001 by TIN CAN COLLEGE, on Flickr
    Tin Can

  4. #4
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    One of my first jobs was working at Samy's Camera, in Pasadena. I worked behind the film counter, and still go in from time to time, mostly to visit with former coworkers who still work there.
    Either way, while there(this was the former location, on Walnut near the Parsons building), I served countless Art Center, ELAC and PCC students(amongst other schools in the LA area). Man, those Art Center students sure ran up credit card bills.
    This one girl, I'll never forget this. (6) different cards, none of them would approve a purchase for a 5 roll pro-pack of Kodak Portra. She was nearly in tears, as she needed to shoot part of her final project. Either way, as I had prior experience dealing with her, and liked her work, I asked "If I buy the film, can you give me an open selection of choosing two prints from your portfolio". Her eyes immediately dried, and she stuck her hand out to shake mine "you've got a deal sir!". So, we made a deal. A few weeks later, as the semester was ending. she came in with her finished portfolio and offered it to me to make my choices. Not sure where I have those prints, will have to search for them.

    Turns out she never became a photographer. Some years later I bumped into her at Samy's again, after I had left working there, and was there getting some things. She was now attending culinary school ! Well, I figured she either had loaded parents, a sugar daddy or some loan officer was very trusting. She was still driving a smoking tailpipe beater of an old corolla, so I guessed she didn't have a lot of resources...

    Art school is not what it used to be back in the day. YouTube offers an endless selection of places and people to learn from, basically for free. I prefer this method, compared to the classroom.

    Times change, but people still buy the marketing schtick I guess...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    i would like to have had the Usa Art school options. Schools like Yale, Bard College or Icp programs in my country.
    I suppose they are extremely expensive but you have the opportunity to study with real photographers and educators of highest level.
    People whom i admire and whose work is in Photography History.
    Robert Adams, Barbara Bosworth , Baldwin Lee, Lynn whitney, Todd Hido, Gergory Halpern , Jim Goldberg and so many others who teach in USA.

  6. #6
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    SAIC had an impossible overload 1998 Photo MFA, Darkroom ran 24/7

    But I really wanted IN to SAIC, long story

    SAIC also open to ANY MFA concentration in any field of ART

    I found my way into the cloister by careful study of ALL departments as once IN we could concentrate on anything

    I did use SAIC for years after

    Huge DIGI Printers cheap and perfect decades ago, Pro operators

    Lots of radical fun
    Tin Can

  7. #7
    Ironage's Avatar
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    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    I did a tour in the Marine Corps to save money for art school and get my middle class parents off my financial aid application. I ended up doing the first year of visual studies which has been helpful to me all my life, but the year long Humanities/Western civ required course changed my mind and career path. I ended up getting a MDiv.

    I sometimes ponder going back to art school and completing a MFA but wisdom says, “You used to argue with your teachers back then, today it will only be worse and you are very prepared for debate, the teachers will never let you pass.”
    ...Dilettante! Who you calling a Dilettante?

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Camano Island, Washington

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    I am very sorry to hear that San Francisco Institute of Art has closed. It would have been have been very meaningful to attend - it was a top art school in the 1970's on the West Coast. At that time there were instructors at SFIA that I very much admired. I studied photography at a local 2 year college and worked at the Seattle Art Museum as a guard. I freelanced a little with weddings photography and a start-up newspaper photography - but I did not break into a photographic career. There wasn't a clear financial path that I could see to attend further photographic education - and I didn't see an income after it. I had studied art as well - so I pursed architecture as a profession. Still it was a path not taken.

  9. #9
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: The "Art" School is Dead


    I prefer cash in hand

    art is something else

    definitely not a money maker

    for me

    Quote Originally Posted by Robert Opheim View Post
    I am very sorry to hear that San Francisco Institute of Art has closed. It would have been have been very meaningful to attend - it was a top art school in the 1970's on the West Coast. At that time there were instructors at SFIA that I very much admired. I studied photography at a local 2 year college and worked at the Seattle Art Museum as a guard. I freelanced a little with weddings photography and a start-up newspaper photography - but I did not break into a photographic career. There wasn't a clear financial path that I could see to attend further photographic education - and I didn't see an income after it. I had studied art as well - so I pursed architecture as a profession. Still it was a path not taken.
    Tin Can

  10. #10
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    Re: The "Art" School is Dead

    By the government providing unlimited loan funds to broke youngsters, colleges have raised tuition beyond the troposphere. Some have placed their cost out of range for most. Who's going to go into debt for a quarter of a million to learn how to shoot a camera? Better get an apprentice job with a photographer company and learn the trade on the job. You'll be in a better position to advance as you meet different people and companies and learn the business end at the same time to start your own business if you wish. Then you can use the quarter of a million to buy a business.

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