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Thread: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

  1. #21

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post
    I also like Pinhole focus as none is needed!

    Pinholes have great DOF, but it's not infinite. There still is a point of focus -- just like any lens stopped way down. You can compute that distance based on the size of the hole:

    Here are two websites to help you calculate the f-stop of your pin-hole(s) and the focal length(s) that will produce the optimal (i.e., sharpest) results:

  2. #22
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    I am a constant user of Mr Pinhole

    Stanford is a dead link

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    Pinholes have great DOF, but it's not infinite. There still is a point of focus -- just like any lens stopped way down. You can compute that distance based on the size of the hole:

    Here are two websites to help you calculate the f-stop of your pin-hole(s) and the focal length(s) that will produce the optimal (i.e., sharpest) results:
    Tin Can

  3. #23

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Here's the STANFORD PINHOLE page from the WAYBACK machine. I guess the student graduated:

  4. #24
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?


    Very good data I have found nowhere else

    I know modern 'real' f-stops end at f256

    I need a chart with ALL real and imaginary f-stops in current practice

    or when does doubling begin and end?

    Thank you!

    ps: I do understand

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    Here's the STANFORD PINHOLE page from the WAYBACK machine. I guess the student graduated:
    Tin Can

  5. #25
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Tin Can

  6. #26

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    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tin Can View Post

    Very good data I have found nowhere else

    I know modern 'real' f-stops end at f256

    I need a chart with ALL real and imaginary f-stops in current practice

    or when does doubling begin and end?

    Thank you!

    ps: I do understand

    Here is the f-stop breakdown starting at f16:

    f16 - f22 - f32 - f45 - f64 - f90 - f125 - f180 - f250 - f360 - f500 - f720

    For other intermediate f-stops, such as starting with f18, just multiply by the square root of 2.

    My pinholes are:

    75mm (AKA 75mm) f224
    88mm (AKA 90mm) f231
    118mm (AKA 120mm) f291
    151mm (AKA 150mm) f329
    185mm (AKA 180mm) f364
    234mm (AKA 235mm) f409
    289mm (AKA 300mm) f455

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    I think you already have your ideal lenses, a pinhole and the Wollaston meniscus, but Goerz did make the early Double Anastigmat Ser. III up to 35" focal length (later 16.5" as the Dagor). I've never seen or heard of one longer than 24" (not that I was looking), and I imagine they would go for a sizeable price no matter the condition. Also, the Dagor is convertible, so you could use the rear half and diaphragm to get a 'normal' focal length for that format.

    The Series IV Dagor was made up to 47" focal length, and there is currently a 47" example for sale on fleabay ($25K).

  8. #28
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Thanks Jody, not buying anymore lenses no matter how expensive!

    I use a Nikkor 610 f9 often on my studio 11X14

    This Nikon Datasheet is interesting

    In winter I mostly stay in studio so I will see what I see with it

    I like the visual nodal graph as I have never seen one before, but have chased them with LF Macro
    Tin Can

  9. #29

    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Sheridan, Colorado

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Here's a table of f-stops starting at f1 showing full, half, and thirds up to f4000 -- well past most pinholes. Sure, most meters don't go that high, but this might be helpful.

  10. #30
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Any Lenses for 14 X 36"?

    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by xkaes View Post
    Here's a table of f-stops starting at f1 showing full, half, and thirds up to f4000 -- well past most pinholes. Sure, most meters don't go that high, but this might be helpful.
    Tin Can


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