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Thread: Private Message Settings

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Private Message Settings

    I agree.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2001

    Re: Private Message Settings

    I've gotten used to small pm messages. maybe if it takes more than a few lines exchange emails, and add more info ..
    you might have to get a web based email account like ymail, lycos, altavista or mailexcite .. I think Jeeves is still on vacation.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    Re: Private Message Settings

    Quote Originally Posted by Doremus Scudder View Post
    Still, unless there's some technical reason that the limit can't be increased, there's no advantage to having it since we just send our complete messages in installments. It just makes it less convenient to give a detailed and complete answer to a query. I think we should try to facilitate that if possible.
    We do have an overall storage constraint. Although it wasn't spelled out explicitly in Ralph's initial post, we've already adjusted this once, to the current settings favoring more messages at the expense of message length, in response to user requests. It's apparent that any particular tradeoff isn't going to please everybody.

    Please keep in mind that the PM function here is not intended to be a general-purpose email service. It's really primitive and doesn't have the features you'd want for either message drafting or archiving, as noted we have a storage constraint, and ultimately it's not our purpose to provide such a comprehensive service. The PM function is provided as a convenience to support brief exchanges related to Forum activity. If you want to engage in a detailed, ongoing correspondence with someone it's best to move that to an external email account.

  4. #14
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Private Message Settings

    I delete all PM


    I also delete a lot of email, phone calls, text etc

    I throw out a lot of paper mail too, I never answer a phone

    Handwritten letters are keepers

    Got a nice one yesterday, Erika is riding her motorcycle 500 miles to me in Spring

    Made my month!

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