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Thread: Dim Ground Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Dim Ground Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    The ground glass is so dim on the Arca Swiss model B, I can barely see anything with a Fujinon 90mm f8 lens. Does someone here know of a better alternative? I have cleaned the existing one of the Arca Swiss thoroughly, to no avail. Could I install a GG with Fresnel on it and still have proper focus? Thanks for any suggestion.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    This probably won't apply to your relatively newer camera, but a while back I had circa 1910-1920 Improved Empire State view. The image on its GG was very dim. The GG looked to be clear when it was in the camera. I took the GG out and soaked it overnight in distilled water, then the next day cleaned it with wet cotton swabs with some very diluted Ivory liquid soap on them. The white cotton swabs turned light grayish. Rinsed the GG several times with warm distilled water, dried off the GG and re-installed it. The image was noticeably brighter.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    Greg, thank you for responding. While I have done some cleaning and wiping, and cleaning some more, with alcohol, I haven't cleaned with dish soap, as you suggest. Perhaps I should give that a go and see what I get. I have a Speed Graphic, of mid century vintage, and that one projects a brighter image from an Ektar 203mm f7.7 lens. I expected much better in this Arca Swiss. I wonder if a fresnel could make it brighter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    You might contact Precision Camera Works in Texas, and see about them installing a current Arca-Swiss Ground Glass Fresnel combo which is standard nad has been since the early 2000s. They are the North American authorized repair station for Arca-Swiss.

    Rod Klukas
    US Representative
    Arca-Swiss USA

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2015
    SooooCal/LA USA

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    I just posted on the other post about 8X10 GG's, and shoulda posted it here... Same answer, different place... :-)

    Steve K

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    Rod, thanks for the suggestion. Precision Camera Works was my first resort to get some help. I had sent them an email last Saturday night with high hopes that they will respond, haven't heard back yet. Maybe they are backlogged with technical questions during the holidays. I will try calling them tomorrow, Tuesday, to see if they pick up the phone. After Ebony and a Sinar F2, this is my first foray into Arca Swiss and I like the camera, old as it might be. It's just the GG glass that is frustrating me so much.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rod Klukas View Post
    You might contact Precision Camera Works in Texas, and see about them installing a current Arca-Swiss Ground Glass Fresnel combo which is standard nad has been since the early 2000s. They are the North American authorized repair station for Arca-Swiss.


  7. #7

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    Jan 2020

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    Steve, I just read your post about the 8x10 GG with interest. If I can get even just a stop brighter, I would be happy to buy one. Grinding one myself is something I will leave as a last resort, if nothing surfaces that's out there.

    Quote Originally Posted by LabRat View Post
    I just posted on the other post about 8X10 GG's, and shoulda posted it here... Same answer, different place... :-)

    Steve K

  8. #8

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    May 2015
    SooooCal/LA USA

    Re: Dim Groun Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    While you are on the fone with them, make sure you ask if the GG is a standard mounting/installation with the new glass, as sometimes the GG/fresnel can be stacked in odd orders/orientations on some cameras, and carefully notice and note all surfaces/orientations when removing them...

    Might save you a new focusing error later...

    Steve K

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Phoenix, AZ

    Re: Dim Ground Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    Labrat is correct. However since Bob at PCW, has worked on arca-Swiss cameras for over 30 years, I am sure he knows this. The fact that when you insert into the light path anything such as a filter, or a Fresnel in this case, the focus is moved 1/3 the thickness of the added filter or fresnel, is a very important. That is why some manufacturers use a rear Fresnel rather than in front of the ground glass. That way the image still forms on the correct plane set up on the GG. The Fresnel in this case just brightens and evens out the image you see on the back. It is less efficient than a lens-side Fresnel system, but still helpful. That is why if someone bought an Arca-Swiss Fresnel and/or Ground glass for their other brand camera, their camera would probably need to be relieved(machined) to have the focus correct and in register with the film. Wista uses one that combines a ground side with a fresnel side in one piece and then a cover glass, clear, for protection.
    Hope this helps.
    Rod Klukas
    US Representative
    Arca-Swiss USA

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Re: Dim Ground Glass on Arca Swiss Model B..........

    Rod and Steve, thanks for the helpful suggestions. I spoke to Lauren at PCW, perhaps will hear from Bob tomorrow. Let's see what he suggests. I soaked the GG in Dawn and distilled water overnight and then gave it a thorough but gentle rub with warm distilled water this morning. It rubbed off all the grids and markings in the process, which I didn't care for anyway, but doing so, the projection on it seems to be almost a stop brighter. A nice improvement, I think, for now. Two+ stops brighter would be better for sure.

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