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Thread: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

  1. #61
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    The specific serial number span of the early defective 80 and 110 XL's has been published. I don't know the exact link; but it would be important to look up if contemplating buying one of these. I don't know if they were even "fixable" or just replaced. But at a certain point, Schneider simply flaked out.

  2. #62

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark Sampson View Post
    ... I'd add "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
    Buy a lens and go make pictures. If, after a few months and some sheets of film, you don't like that lens, then trade it in on another. In the meantime, you'll have made some new photographs... and if they turn out well, no one (except you) will know that the lens didn't meet your specs; they'll just see a good photograph.
    You raise a popular perspective that I don't question for some people and some needs, but it's 180° from where I'm at on this.

    My approach to purchasing a wide-angle 4x5 or 8x10 lens is more disciplined. That's no doubt apparent from my posts, which some may see as somewhat inflexible. Indeed, it's why I made a conscious effort to avoid starting this as an open-ended "What lens should I buy?" thread.

    For me, planning and organisation is half the battle. That attitude comes from making short films, where planning and organisation keep stress and waste, of resources and time, in check, and can make the difference between finishing a film and not. For the stills project that I'm working on over the next year, I want camera gear fully under control so that I can focus on my subject. @Oslolens's post (#56) describes the kind of situation that I don't want to encounter. I also don't want to invest time buying a lens, discover that it won't do what I had hoped, then try to sell it on eBay or wherever (while feeling an obligation to be honest about the deficiency or limitation that I discovered) and then buy a replacement that I hope will work "better".

    And from my post #23: "Context... I use both colour and black and white film. Neither is cheap, but colour is particularly expensive. I'm working on a project where the right approach is that I have one chance to make the photograph. In addition, I have a strong preference for getting the shot right in the camera rather than fixing it later. Everything about the XL 110mm, from maximum aperture to range of movement to the fact that I already have a centre filter for it, is conducive to making my life easier."

    Thanks for your comments, which provide an opportunity to explain the thinking that's behind my decisions, and my posts in this thread.
    Last edited by r.e.; 22-Oct-2021 at 19:37.

  3. #63

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Montreal, Canada

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Thanks. I didn’t realize it was narrowed down to a specific span of serial numbers. Someone once told me 15xxxxxxxxx was safe but perhaps the problems were addressed way before that.

    Depending on which old thread you read, Schneider variously attributed it to the glass itself, then a coating gap which could allow tiny amounts of humidity in. But yeah it seemed like eventually they just said yup there’s a problem too bad for you.

    It would make me nervous buying used, especially on eBay or whatever other scamhole.

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Wiley View Post
    The specific serial number span of the early defective 80 and 110 XL's has been published. I don't know the exact link; but it would be important to look up if contemplating buying one of these. I don't know if they were even "fixable" or just replaced. But at a certain point, Schneider simply flaked out.

  4. #64

    Join Date
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    New York

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael R View Post
    Thanks. I didn’t realize it was narrowed down to a specific span of serial numbers. Someone once told me 15xxxxxxxxx was safe but perhaps the problems were addressed way before that.

    Depending on which old thread you read, Schneider variously attributed it to the glass itself, then a coating gap which could allow tiny amounts of humidity in. But yeah it seemed like eventually they just said yup there’s a problem too bad for you.

    It would make me nervous buying used, especially on eBay or whatever other scamhole.
    Thanks very much, something that I really need to know about and will do some research on.

  5. #65

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Problems with the Schneider 110mm f5.6 SSXL has been discussed on LFF years ago.




    This is one of the first 5-7 Schneider 110mm f5.6 SSXL brought into the USA when they were introduced, serial# 14624959. Schneider's sn dating comes up with early 1997 which is about the time when this lens was delivered. Zero problems with this specific 110mm f5.6 SSXL to date.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Schneider 110mm f5.6 SSXL_sn.jpg 
Views:	19 
Size:	35.5 KB 
ID:	220611

    Note how close the front element is relative to where the front filter would be seated.


  6. #66

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    FYI, Schneider lens size comparison:

    150mm f5.6 SSXL -vs- 165mm f8 Super Angulon (barrel for Sinar) -vs- 165mm f6.8 Angulon.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	165mm SA & Angulon, 150mm SSXL.jpg 
Views:	36 
Size:	47.0 KB 
ID:	220642

    150mm f5.6 SSXL on Sinar P2.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Copal# 1 RH side, 150mm SSXL.jpg 
Views:	18 
Size:	41.0 KB 
ID:	220643

    Last edited by Bernice Loui; 23-Oct-2021 at 11:12.

  7. #67

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Hi Bernice,

    Thanks for the links to threads about the problem with haze with some of the 80mm and 110mm XL lenses. Important to know about that.

    Re the clearance issue that you mention below... Bob Salomon says (in this post) that the Rodenstock E67/86 centre filter shouldn't be a problem. Obviously, I would confirm that with the copy of the lens that I purchased. If I wasn't using a centre filter, I assume that a step-up ring would address the clearance issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bernice Loui View Post

    Note how close the front element is relative to where the front filter would be seated.

    [Now Fixed]: Your photos just above (post #66) aren't showing as thumbnails, and the links aren't working.
    Last edited by r.e.; 23-Oct-2021 at 11:18.

  8. #68

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    My Nikkor 120mm and Grandagon 155mm do a fantastic job on my 8x10, No movement with the Nikkor 120mm , bu twhen that wide , who really needs movement? The Grandagon 155MM is a perfect lens. You must get one!!!! You will never be without one when you start using the Grandagon 155MM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #69

    Join Date
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    New York

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    Quote Originally Posted by Torontoamateur View Post
    My Nikkor 120mm and Grandagon 155mm do a fantastic job on my 8x10, No movement with the Nikkor 120mm , bu twhen that wide , who really needs movement? The Grandagon 155MM is a perfect lens. You must get one!!!! You will never be without one when you start using the Grandagon 155MM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hello Toronto (my home town),

    The Grandagon 155mm is on my shortlist. See the Chart attached to post #52. As explained in posts #19 and #20, I've decided that I don't want to go wider than 150mm for 8x10 (in 35mm terms, using the forum's lens comparison chart, about 21mm).

  10. #70

    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    the new jersey shore

    Re: Wide Lenses for 4x5 & 8x10: 90mm to 165mm

    I just checked my 110 xl lens which I purchased new From Badger, I can’t remember when, however the serial number indicates that it was made between 1998 and 1999. It looks good and is my wide lens for 5x7. When I bought it I was concerned about filters touching the front element, so I had SK Grimes make a very thin 67mm to 67 mm ring that I have always kept on the lens as a spacer.

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