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Thread: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

  1. #11

    Join Date
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    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    Thanks for the quick clarification, Bob. I always value your experience, especially with Linhof products. My experience is limited, in this area, to a groundglass probe for the Minolta Auto IV F, which requires calibration to open-aperture measurement, which ( potentially) differs for each lens. I'll have to look around for the Linhof metering focusing bellows ( I think that's what I look for?).

  2. #12
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    I had a Sinar-Six outfit and later on a Sinar Boostyer-1 that plugged into my Minolta Autometer IV f.

    Both systrems seemed combersome to use and awkward for me.

    A long time ago I tried to invent an averaging metyer using RadioShack components built into an old film holder. Turns out I don't have the knowledge base in electronics needed, nor the tools or skill set. Used photo cells a resister or two and a cheap little multi-meter for read out.

    With today's digital technology and so on, I would think a film holder based rig could be a real possibility . . Maybe something using a little digital camera as the sensor and meter read-out.

    .and I still dopn't really know what I am talking about.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  3. #13

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    Sinar Norma Handy w TTL Sinarsix metering by Nokton48, on Flickr

    I have found another use for my Sinarsixes!

    This is my homemade Sinar Norma Handy camera, with 65mm f8 Super Angulon. Reading TTL with the Sinarsix through the camera, at EI 250 HP5+ I am reading EV9 which equates to 1/125 at F8 on a heavy overcast day.

    This in my experience is a believable light reading. And on bright days it will read through the center filter and I can read all four corners TTL
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  4. #14

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    TTL Plaubel Makiflex with Sinarsix 2 by Nokton48, on Flickr

    TTL Plaubel Makiflex with Sinarsix 1 by Nokton48, on Flickr

    If I lock the shutter open with a cable release, I can measure TTL with the Sinar Norma 4x5 Sinarsix.

    Useful when shooting close up and using colored filters. Reading a grey card in the center of the scene is what Sinar called the "Direct Method" and it's extremely accurate!
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  5. #15
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    I hqad a Siknar-Six with probe at one time and didn't like it.

    Later on I got a Sinar One probe that plugged right into my Minolta Autometer IV f. Didn't like that set up either.

    Maybe the Broncolor swrt ups are someonehow better.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  6. #16

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    Hey Drew

    I'm using the old original Norma Sinarsix just reading the ambient TTL and I admit it's cumbersome and slow, but mine is pretty much right on so far with my uses for it. All my ambient meters use the old European Gossen Lunasix Meters. With Wein Cells I'm getting realistic TTL readings. Sometimes helpful.

    I'm setting up a few Broncolor strobes but no TTL so far. I have the flashmeter that balances strobe with ambient. Probably cumbersome and slow but useful sometimes?

    Calibrating the Plaubel TTL will be a hoot. I have two metal discs for it that change the area of the ground glass being read.
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
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  7. #17
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    Nov 2017

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Bedo View Post
    I had a Sinar-Six outfit and later on a Sinar Boostyer-1 that plugged into my Minolta Autometer IV f.

    Both systrems seemed combersome to use and awkward for me.

    A long time ago I tried to invent an averaging metyer using RadioShack components built into an old film holder. Turns out I don't have the knowledge base in electronics needed, nor the tools or skill set. Used photo cells a resister or two and a cheap little multi-meter for read out.

    With today's digital technology and so on, I would think a film holder based rig could be a real possibility . . Maybe something using a little digital camera as the sensor and meter read-out.

    .and I still dopn't really know what I am talking about.
    in theory it wouldn't be too difficult to modify a cheap p&s digital camera and mount the bare sensor at the end of a probe in a film holder. you'd just have to set the iso to match your film and aperture to wide open and you'd be able to use the live view to spot meter, focus and even take heavily cropped test shots with flash if the p&s has an electronic shutter and you use it's built in flash as an optical trigger.

  8. #18

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    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    A bit of information from 20 years ago.

    Have and use a Calculite XP with the ground glass attachment. Small & light, it works well.
    ” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

  9. #19

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    When I was commercially doing Photomacrography and photomicrography with my Nikon Multiphot, I used a 4x5 Horseman exposure meter along with a Sinarsix. Was shooting 4x5 Chromes and on some large jobs shooting bracketed exposures would not have been cost effective. The Sinarsix excelled at reflective, on axis lighting, and dark field photography, whereas the Horseman excelled at transmitted light photography. Keeping detailed notes was the trick to getting right on exposures 98% of the time. For black & white negatives, the Horseman was the quickest and easiest to use. The Sinarsix for me was always a not so quick way of determining the correct exposures, but the cost savings of not having to bracket totally negated the extra time it took. For me reciprocity was the Achilles Heel more than often. Next to the Multiphot, I had a lightbox with 3 4x5 Chromes taken of a Maisel Color Chart. One +1 stop, one normal exposure, and one -1 stop. These helped me immensely in getting my first exposures right on. In the field I exclusively used the Horseman to determine the exposures for my Chromes. Initially shot 4x5 Color Polaroids, but they soon became too great of an additional materials expense. A number of years ago I switched to shooting with a FX DSLR tethered to a Macbook and never looked back. My present project is to shoot single B&W frames off of three reels of 16mm film. Initially I set up to shoot 4x5 B&W negatives determining the exposures with the 4x5 Horseman meter, but soon switched to shooting digital DX with a Nikon D850 when I came to the realization of the project would be including 100+ frames and not the initial only estimated to be 16 frames. Back when I initially found using the Sinar TTL meter difficult since I didn't have an IB for it. I was wrong... the IB helped me little. It was just plain using the TTL meter that made me proficient at using it.

  10. #20

    Re: LF TTL Metering Systems Inquiry- Experience with these?

    Quote Originally Posted by Greg View Post
    The Sinarsix excelled at reflective, on axis lighting, and dark field photography.Keeping detailed notes was the trick to getting right on exposures 98% of the time. The Sinarsix for me was always a not so quick way of determining the correct exposures, but the cost savings of not having to bracket totally negated the extra time it took. For me reciprocity was the Achilles Heel more than often. Back when I initially found using the Sinar TTL meter difficult since I didn't have an IB for it. I was wrong... the IB helped me little. It was just plain using the TTL meter that made me proficient at using it.
    Wow Great Information first hand. Thanks Greg!

    Agree with all the above. I have five Sinarsixes on hand in my studio, I was getting confident with my first one when I got really busy and all was set aside for decades. Now it is coming back out. It amazes me that all the Lunasix Meters are reading about the same. Oldies but goodies. BTW I have a Wein adapter in each one is it's on the nose in each unit.

    The Sinar Norma Sinarsix Instruction manual is thick, precisely detailed, and a LOT LOT of information. For now I am using the simple easy peasy "direct method" at taking aperture with grey card. Bellows draw, filter factors, camera movements, interior bellows flare, these are some of the factors that can -additively compound- and overall throw off exposure a bit. TTL resolves a lot of seen and unseen issues. Concentrating on the photograph without distraction quickly and precisely was always the Norma goal

    The Norma Sinarsix came with three different interchangeable snap-on exposure scales, including the "X" scale which includes some basic reciprocity adjustments, and the "S" which is customizable. It's a versatile old school dinosaur TTL system that amazingly works precisely and accurately even today.

    And YES I make detailed notes so I can repeat things later on

    "It was just plain using the TTL meter that made me proficient at using it." ABSOLUTELY TRUE
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

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