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Thread: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    New York

    Film Holder Sleeves: Glass Gear > Stone Photo

    I went looking for Gnass Gear film holder sleeves, only to discover that Gnass is no longer in business. I decided to try Daniel Stone Photo Gear, which Todd Korol mentions in one of his YouTube videos.

    Just want to say that I'm very happy with the 4x5 and 8x10 sleeves that I received from Daniel today. His website says that time from order to shipping can be about two weeks. I ordered from New York the evening of July 29 and the sleeves were mailed to me from California on August 5. I received them this afternoon.

    Here's what I ordered:

    4x5 Triple Sleeve
    8x10 Double Sleeve
    Short Carry Strap

    The 4x5 Triple Sleeve comes with two D-rings on the back for the carry strap. I asked Daniel to add D-rings to the 8x10 Double Sleeve, added to the top so that the sleeve will hang in portrait orientation.

    I chose Caribbean Green for the 4x5 sleeve and Rust for the 8x10. Both look very good.

    I'm now considering some of his other products.
    Last edited by r.e.; 7-Aug-2021 at 15:54.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    That’s great news. Daniel is a really decent guy. Glad to hear that his business is going well and he is satisfying his customers!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    I have ordered various items from him, and he's always been very quick in producing the goods and shipping them to me. A+

  4. #4
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    I will have to look at his offerings again as it has been a while

    I use 3 of his padded Red 7X17 film holder pouches, bought when he first started

    I get most things in red these days so I can find them and I carry a Fenix 24/7, so far washed complete cycle twice, which kills the battery but dry out the lamp and carry on
    Tin Can

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    San Francisco

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    Ha! The triple sleeves are perfect for those of us using Mod 45 developing reels, with their six-sheet capacity. I already have my holders plastic-bagged in threes. Now I have ordered one of these to give it a try. Thanks for highlighting.
    Bill Poole

    "Speak softly, but carry a big camera."

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2021

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    When I've ordered something off-the-shelf from his website, it arrived quite quickly and was of great quality. However, I reached out to him in regards to getting some more made to order type stuff. While he initially agreed, I would wait weeks between emails from him as we tried to iron out the details for the 3 or 4 pieces that we were discussing. Eventually he just stopped responding all together.

    My 0.02 is that ordering from his website is probably fine, but god help you if something goes wrong with the order and you need to contact him, and getting something custom ordered is probably impossible, at least from my experience :/

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    In the past, I've ordered several items from Daniel and I continue to be pleased with his craftmanship and the quality of his products.

  8. #8
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Houston Texas

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    If you casn find one, the Cascade film holder sleeves from PhotoBackpacker work really well.

    The company ceased production a few years ago, but the Cascade sleeve/wrap systems come up on e-Bay from time to time.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Tokyo, Japan

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    Another vote for Dan!

    I use 3 8x10 double holders and a housing for my Chamonix 8x10.
    Last edited by bernardlanguillier; 12-Aug-2021 at 05:31.
    Images available here:

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Minneapolis Minnesota USA

    Re: Film Holder Sleeves: Gnass Gear & Stone Photo

    Quote Originally Posted by Drew Bedo View Post
    If you casn find one, the Cascade film holder sleeves from PhotoBackpacker work really well.

    The company ceased production a few years ago, but the Cascade sleeve/wrap systems come up on e-Bay from time to time.
    I still produce the Cascade film holder cases for 4x5, 5x7 and 8x10. Look in the "Forum: For Sale - Member-made LF Gear and Accessories" section of this forum.

    Bruce (AKA Photobackpacker)


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