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Thread: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

  1. #41

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Matched pair Sinar Norma Schneider 360mm f5.6 Symmars by Nokton48, on Flickr

    For my twin lens Norma camera. A matched pair of 360mm Sinar Norma barrel with auto aperture mechanism and rabbit ears, Schneider barrel mount Plasmat lens set.
    Flikr Photos Here:

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  2. #42

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    360 Symmar Norma Auto Iris Pair by Nokton48, on Flickr

    Here's the Sinar Norma 360mm f5.6 chrome barrel Auto Iris Symmar Plasmat Matched Pair. This is setup at portrait distance, notice how the lenses go further apart for similar views. Awesome on the ground glass, I'm going to enjoy using this one. I use a Norma Compendium Hood with four adjustable blinders to reduce internal flare, this lens covers a humungeous amount. What a view
    Flikr Photos Here:

    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  3. #43

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Norma Twin Lens Pairs 300 Comm Ektar f6.3 210mm f6.8 Angulon by Nokton48, on Flickr

    Just today picked up two new lenses for making matched pairs. Got them this morning, meeting the dealer at a local camera auction. My Thanks! to Igor Reznik.

    On the left, the 12" 305mm f6.3 Kodak Commercial Ektar matched pair.
    The upper left Ektar is the new one. Interesting how they stripped the paint off the retaining ring

    On the right, a Norma pair of 210mm Schneider Angulons; The bottom Norma Angulon has a huge chip/crack in the front glass. But works -great- as a viewing lens, price only a hundred bucks. Optics maybe could be switched out?

    Images checked on ground glass with my printer's loupe, and they are all keepers
    Last edited by Daniel Unkefer; 1-Feb-2022 at 07:18.
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  4. #44

    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Collinsville, CT USA

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Quote Originally Posted by Daniel Unkefer View Post
    360 Symmar Norma Auto Iris Pair by Nokton48, on Flickr

    notice how the lenses go further apart for similar views.
    Am curious why the lenses go further apart? I would think that the top one should be as close to the axis of the bottom one. Possibly needed to be so in order to be able to load film holders vertically in the lower one?

  5. #45

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Morning Chris
    Yes you are absolutely correct, the viewing and taking lenses need to be as close together as possible. I have been taking the Normas apart and cleaning/adjusting them. Some of the parts were really heavily worn. Good as new now in that aspect
    Last edited by Daniel Unkefer; 22-May-2021 at 08:05.
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  6. #46

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    What makes it fast???

    There are Norma lenses, that integrate with the Norma Automatic Shutter by means of coiled metal cables with quick disconnects. You preset the desired aperture, using the mickey mouse automatic iris Norma lensboard setup. So you're composing at viewing at full aperture with the taking f/stop dialed in. Ready to take the shot? Simply insert the film holder (up to 8x10), and the automated cables close the shutter, and the preselected aperture is set by the auto iris mechanism. Pull the dark slide and actuate the shutter using the metal coiled shutter release. Pretty quick compared to most view cameras. With the "Rapid Adapter" it's 6x6/6x9 roll film there is an automated "shutter" in the back, no darkslides needed

    With the twin lens you can have the slide pulled in the holder and still view and review the image close to how it appears during the actual exposure

    Richard Avedon used the 8x10 Norma in his studio for action commercial fashion large format. The advantages at the time must have been obvious
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  7. #47

    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Actually, correct me if I’m wrong, but for this to work a twin lens camera, the lenses need to be positioned identically to their matched rear standard. Maybe the rear standards should ideal,y be as close as possible, but if the goal is to frame in the top and capture the image on the bottom, each lens needs to be identically situated with matching shift/rise/fall to the ground glass.

    In the last photo above, the upper lens looks a little low (though that could be perspective messing with me.)

  8. #48

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Not quite the “fastest” 45. Any LInhof that accepts the LInhof 45 Vacuum Roll back could shoot up to 60 45 shots a second apart at speeds to 1/500 at 1fps.

  9. #49

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Quote Originally Posted by abruzzi View Post
    Actually, correct me if I’m wrong, but for this to work a twin lens camera, the lenses need to be positioned identically to their matched rear standard. Maybe the rear standards should ideal,y be as close as possible, but if the goal is to frame in the top and capture the image on the bottom, each lens needs to be identically situated with matching shift/rise/fall to the ground glass. In the last photo above, the upper lens looks a little low (though that could be perspective messing with me.)

    Appreciate your comments The bottom lens is for viewing, the top exposes the film. I have found the best starting for front standard position, to be both lenses together as close as possible. Then adjust rise and fall, (in the rear standard) to get views which to me are nearly identical from a composition standpoint). See the above initial tests Certainly well enough to determine expression through the camera during the exposure, and strobe pop. I focus roughly through the bottom camera, Then move to top (exposing) lens and use rear tilt control to sharply align upper camera focus, and lock the tilt. Then both lenses are in the same focus plane. Then I use the fine focus, and my printer's loupe, checking both lenses back and forth, making minor adjustments, until I really like what I see.
    Last edited by Daniel Unkefer; 23-May-2021 at 09:08.
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain

  10. #50

    Re: Fastest Speed of all 4x5/9x12 Sinar Norma

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon View Post
    Not quite the “fastest” 45. Any LInhof that accepts the LInhof 45 Vacuum Roll back could shoot up to 60 45 shots a second apart at speeds to 1/500 at 1fps.
    Thanks for that. Nope, just the fastest Norma My friend is a Linhof collector, they made a lot of prototypes and one-offs. All cool stuff
    Last edited by Daniel Unkefer; 23-May-2021 at 09:09.
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    “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.”
    ― Mark Twain


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