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Thread: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Apr 2020

    Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    I’ve been having an intermittent issue with the footswitch.

    In normal operation, turning on the power to the timer turns on the display at 0:00, where it waits. Pressing and releasing the footswitch starts the timer. Pressing and releasing the footswitch again resets the timer to 0:00, where it waits.

    Recently my timer has started running as soon as the power is turned on. Pressing and releasing the footswitch resets the timer to 0:00, but then it immediately starts running again.

    When this happens, pressing and releasing the footswitch several times clears the far. I’ve disassembled and cleaned the footswitch and everything inside looks ok.

    I seem to recall seeing this issue addressed here once before, but I can’t find that thread.

  2. #2

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    Don't sweat it mine dies the same thing

  3. #3

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    Don't believe the problem is the footswitch

  4. #4

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    And while we are on this conversation I can't understand why no one can make a simple version of this timer
    I just use it to count up..that's it just to count up
    No temperature compensation because I don't need it

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2007
    New York City & Pontremoli, Italy

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    Try changing the cable - its just a regular phone line cable.

    I had the same issue a few years ago and changing the cable solved the problem. It it doesn't solve the problem, you could try changing the footswitch. Hopefully, the problem is not being caused by the timer itself.

  6. #6
    Paul Ron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    switch is going.

  7. #7

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    You need a new foot switch. McMaster Carr has the foot switch.
    Richard T Ritter

  8. #8
    Paul Ron's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    either get just a heavy duty SPST ON OFF push switch from an electronics outlet and replace the switch in the unit,
    or just buy a new foot switch unit... its an on/off simple switch?....

    pick one....


  9. #9
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    I bypassed the footswitch with a line switch. A type of footswitch which is far more reliable around wet areas is completely sealed & rubberized and long-term resistant to corrosion. But those are pricier; McMaster carries them. Another issue is that sometimes developer grime builds up over the little sensor dot on the probe itself, which need periodic scrubbing.
    Last edited by Drew Wiley; 23-Feb-2021 at 17:50.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    May 2015
    SooooCal/LA USA

    Re: Zone VI Compensating Developer Timer footswitch issue

    Switch can be checked by unplugging and use ohmmeter on pins to see if opened or closed while operating switch...

    Problems with most timers is relays that switch operations can have contact corrosion, pitting, wear, outright failure, or burnt coating... Remove relay covers (sometimes slightly tricky), to access contacts... Shoot with a good contact cleaner, and if rough, go to an auto parts or electronic supplier and get a points file, and carefully polish the inner contact pads...

    Not too hard to replace relays by unsoldering, or sometimes plug-in...

    Shoot cleaner into every switch, connector etc you can reach inside while you are at it...

    Most timers need this eventually...

    Steve K

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