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Thread: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

    The plot thickens. You are using the two part hardening formula? That would be adding an unknown variable. I'd say try some tradition Hypo, Sodium Thiosulfate made from scratch.

  2. #12
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

    and stop using Dust Off nobody had it 150 years ago

    Dust-Off, a popular brand name of canned air, is a gaseous refrigerant-based propellant cleaner used to remove dust and dirt from computers and electronics. The main ingredient in Dust-Off is difluoroethane.
    Tin Can

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

    If your development times and pre-fix wash times are as you've stated, then one of the only other variables is the fixer: change to something else. I suggest you try plain Sodium thiosulfate, or even Ilford Rapid Fix.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Nov 2020

    Re: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

    Quote Originally Posted by goamules View Post
    The plot thickens. You are using the two part hardening formula? That would be adding an unknown variable. I'd say try some tradition Hypo, Sodium Thiosulfate made from scratch.
    This is also where I've gotten to! What dilution do you think would work best for collodion?

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: Please help! Ambrotypes are turning blue ...

    First, there isn't a "dilution" with hypo, you buy crystals, and make it yourself with water. Second, when you say "do you think would work...?" I don't have to "imagine or guess" what might work, Hypo is all I've used for fixer since I started doing Wetplates, in 2006. It and one other are the standard fixers, used since the 1850s.

    The standard formula is out there, in several manuals and probably websites like the old I'd have to go look it up, I make it only once in a while and don't have it memorized, but I think it's about a 20% formula. You probably need to buy a wetplate guide and you'll have all your questions answered. I like John Coffer's Dooers Guide, but Quinn Jacobson's is good too.

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