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Thread: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    North Dakota

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Wait a few days. Not everyone checks their computer online every day. After 3-5 days - then try the other remedies. May be good reason for no immediate response.
    Our rural area has internet problems every now & then. At times service has been out for as long as a week. Generally a day or less but stuff happens.
    ” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

  2. #12
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Houston Texas

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    thanks to all. I am still feeling my way in this. Gotta clean out the closet while we are in lock-down. Then maybe a short S-k-I vacation (Spending Kids Inheritance).

    I intend to wait till Sunday, which is a full week. Then I will file the non-payer complaint. It is probable that I will re-list the item as a BIN/OBO sale.
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Meanwhile, back at the ranch....I ordered a $2000 item from a smalltime web seller last Sunday. His site was easy to navigate, you click "buy" and are shunted to the "pay" page. Which I did right away. I got a confirmation from his website within 15 minutes. Then the next day got an email "processing your order". Then got an tracking number and "shipped" monday by noon. Got it Thursday. Oh, shipping was free, about a 15 lb package almost 4 feet long.

    Ebay buyers are largely shills, hacks, and global fraudsters today. They would never click "buy" on a site like the above. Because you can't game the system like on eBay. Good luck with your sale, but I learned about 5 years ago to A) don't mess with selling items worth less than $100, and B) don't mess with selling items worth more than $800. You will get robbed at either end. And in the middle, often. Sorry to sound like I'm beating a dead horse. But I hope ebay becomes just that.

  4. #14

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Quote Originally Posted by goamules View Post
    Meanwhile, back at the ranch....I ordered a $2000 item from a smalltime web seller last Sunday. His site was easy to navigate, you click "buy" and are shunted to the "pay" page. Which I did right away. I got a confirmation from his website within 15 minutes. Then the next day got an email "processing your order". Then got an tracking number and "shipped" monday by noon. Got it Thursday. Oh, shipping was free, about a 15 lb package almost 4 feet long.

    Ebay buyers are largely shills, hacks, and global fraudsters today. They would never click "buy" on a site like the above. Because you can't game the system like on eBay. Good luck with your sale, but I learned about 5 years ago to A) don't mess with selling items worth less than $100, and B) don't mess with selling items worth more than $800. You will get robbed at either end. And in the middle, often. Sorry to sound like I'm beating a dead horse. But I hope ebay becomes just that.
    When we were the Rimowa distributor for the USA we once found someone on eBay offering new Rimowa who was not an authorized dealer and was offering the luggage far below retail pricing.
    So we decided to buy one and trace it since every a Rimowa Aluminum and polycarbonate piece has a permanently stamped serial number with the year of manufacture, model number and a unique number to that series and the factory keeps a record of every serial number and where that piece was shipped to.
    So I placed an order with this “company” offering the item who claimed they were in PA. The next morning I received an order from an individual in TX for that item with instructions to ship it to me, by name, at our company!
    I called the guy in TX to ask who they are, as they are not a dealer.
    He told me that he represented a luggage dealer in MD who was also not a dealer.
    So, he was selling our luggage on eBay at less then dealer cost and was then trying to buy it from us at dealer cost!

    We got him banned from eBay. He was seriously interfering with authorized stocking dealer sales. And loosing money on every sale!
    Last edited by Oren Grad; 4-Jul-2020 at 17:12. Reason: Fixed the tags so that Bob's comments aren't included in the quote

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    You need to set up your account for eBay to automatically file the 'non-paying bidder' claim automatically after the number of days you choose, I think I have mine set to 5 days. If you're in no hurry, wait the 5 days before re-listing the item. I often re-list after 2-3 days with no contact, but if there's a 2nd buyer I won't ship the item until the 5th day. Not a common problem, unless you're selling your gear at fire-sale prices. If a new buyer is having trouble with Paypal or something, they'll usually contact you to say they intend to follow through.

  6. #16
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Didn't know about the automatic non-payment thing. Good to know.

    I am selling off bits and pieces of my photo gear to lighten the load. None of this stuff is high-end. For example, the item referred to on this thread is an oscilloscope lens that I got 25 years ago (or more) for $5. I have offered it on this forum with no response . . .so on to e-Bay. Other things will be offered on this forum first as well. Soon to come: aA travelWide & 90mm Angulon. Another offering may be a Celestron C-90 optical tube.

    I am trying to cut down to just the cameras and gear that I have been using.

    Wow . . .four feet long and $2000.. .. .that must be a really nice tripod!
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  7. #17

    Join Date
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    El Pueblo de Nuestra Señora la Reina de los Ángeles de Porciúncula

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Drew... if you haven’t done so already, it might be useful to read the entire article I provided a link to yesterday. Explains all conditions and caveats for unpaid claims and unpaid assistant.

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    San Antonio, TX

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    We sell a lot on ebay.

    Buyers have two days to pay. Send an invoice.

    After two days open an unpaid case.

    Then you get to wait 4 days until you're allowed to close the case and get your selling fee credit. Then you can realist the item.

    Sellers are at a disadvantage. Buyers get away with murder.

    You can do this:

    Cancel the transaction and select "buyer requested cancel".

    Most buyers just skulk away.

    If they message you, ignore them.

  9. #19
    Drew Bedo's Avatar
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    Houston Texas

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Bob; Liked thr Rimowa story. Sounds like the jole about the guy who bought tomatoes for a dime each and sold them at three-for-a -quarter.

    Lots of good advice here. I willmake some of the changes suggested and tighten up my approach to selling..
    Drew Bedo

    There are only three types of mounting flanges; too big, too small and wrong thread!

  10. #20
    Alan Klein's Avatar
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    New Jersey was NYC

    Re: E-Bay: What can I do If the buyer won't Pay?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Salomon View Post
    When we were the Rimowa distributor for the USA we once found someone on eBay offering new Rimowa who was not an authorized dealer and was offering the luggage far below retail pricing.
    So we decided to buy one and trace it since every a Rimowa Aluminum and polycarbonate piece has a permanently stamped serial number with the year of manufacture, model number and a unique number to that series and the factory keeps a record of every serial number and where that piece was shipped to.
    So I placed an order with this “company” offering the item who claimed they were in PA. The next morning I received an order from an individual in TX for that item with instructions to ship it to me, by name, at our company!
    I called the guy in TX to ask who they are, as they are not a dealer.
    He told me that he represented a luggage dealer in MD who was also not a dealer.
    So, he was selling our luggage on eBay at less then dealer cost and was then trying to buy it from us at dealer cost!

    We got him banned from eBay. He was seriously interfering with authorized stocking dealer sales. And loosing money on every sale!
    Why would he sell it less than he paid? I'm missing something, Bob.

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