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Thread: Lens shade for 250 mm lens w/ 67mm filter size?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Lens shade for 250 mm lens w/ 67mm filter size?


    At some point in the not-too-distant future I suspect I will be acquiring a 240mm or 250mm lens that requires a 67mm filter size. Can anybody recommend a lens shade for such a lens that will fit a Shen Hao 4x5? The lens will most likely be a Fujinon 240mm/f9 or 250mm/f6.3 so this will be mounted with a Copal #0 or #1 shutter on a Linhof-type lens board.

    I'd rather stay away from the bulk and expense of a compendium lens shade - even though I know one is offered by Shen-Hao. Accordingly, a rubber or aluminum lens shade (preferably collapsible) would be preferable. I already own a Hama collapsible rubber lens hood and it's wonderful, but that is only spec'ed up to a 210 mm focal length.

    I did purchase a B+W aluminum telephoto lens shade from B&H. It's clear, though, that this does not offer protection for any greater focal length than the Hama, so it's going to be returned.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Lens shade for 250 mm lens w/ 67mm filter size?

    The Heliopan 2 position rubber hood. But a lens hood is not as effective as a proper compendium.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Lens shade for 250 mm lens w/ 67mm filter size?

    210mm? Is that the spec for 35mm? Or have you converted what they provide for 35mm to 4x5? Looking at the website they sell something called a Telematic S. It's 77mm so you'd need a step-up ring. The spec is for 210mm but that's a 210mm lens on a 35mm camera. You'd have to put the hood at around 70mm in 35mm terms.

    A 210mm lens on a 35mm camera is a much tighter view then a 210mm lens on a 4x5.

  4. #4

    Lens shade for 250 mm lens w/ 67mm filter size?

    I have never regreted getting into the lee filter system.

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