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Thread: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

  1. #1
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Sep 2019
    Seattle, WA

    Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    I just received my Intrepid 4x5 camera, my first LF camera. I had considered taking a workshop, but difficult to find one dedicated to LF. Then I realized individual tutoring might be better than a class anyway.

    My chief interest is portraiture. I have begun film testing, took some family photos in my garage-studio. Discovered I am over-developing...I think. Prior to this, I've been doing instant film photography. No other real film experience other than waaaaay back when I did conquer exposure basics.

    This forum has been super helpful. Specifically, I'm looking for darkroom (processing and printing) plus any other feedback on my processes, techniques, lighting. I'm using the Stearman Press 445 tank for daylight processing. I'll probably take a darkroom class as well since the basics there apply to any format.

    I have the Intrepid enlarger (utilizes the camera) likely arriving this month.

    Happy to pay a fair wage. Thanks!

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  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Quote Originally Posted by Exploring Large Format View Post
    I just received my Intrepid 4x5 camera, my first LF camera. I had considered taking a workshop, but difficult to find one dedicated to LF. Then I realized individual tutoring might be better than a class anyway.

    My chief interest is portraiture. I have begun film testing, took some family photos in my garage-studio. Discovered I am over-developing...I think. Prior to this, I've been doing instant film photography. No other real film experience other than waaaaay back when I did conquer exposure basics.

    This forum has been super helpful. Specifically, I'm looking for darkroom (processing and printing) plus any other feedback on my processes, techniques, lighting. I'm using the Stearman Press 445 tank for daylight processing. I'll probably take a darkroom class as well since the basics there apply to any format.

    I have the Intrepid enlarger (utilizes the camera) likely arriving this month.

    Happy to pay a fair wage. Thanks!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk
    Why not ask Glaser’s?

  3. #3
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Good idea.

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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Camano Island, Washington

    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Glazer's is a great idea, also the school rental darkroom on Capital Hill - Photographic Center Northwest - where you could make an inquiry.

  5. #5
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Yes, another good idea. Thanks! I am going to attend their printing workshop if I don't have to work.

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  6. #6
    Andrej Gregov
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    Nov 2010
    Seattle, WA

    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    I doubt Glazer's would be of much help. They're great but they would likely just steer you to Photographic Center Northwest. I'd recommend taking some 10 week classes there. They're in evenings so hopefully will work with your schedule. I'd recommend the following:

    If you're new to printing in darkroom, I'd suggest starting with their beginner B&W class, Photography I: Black and White. They have two sections of the class starting next week (either Tuesday or Thursday evenings 6-9pm). I know both instructors and they're excellent. They will repeat the class in Spring if next week is too soon to begin.

    For learning how to use a view camera, I'd suggest Large Format Film, which begins in Spring for 10 weeks. The instructor is also excellent. You will need at least one of their B&W classes to take the view camera class. If you could jump into Winter quarter B&W I, you could then take the Large Format class in the Spring. The prerequisite in theory is to take B&W II also. But you may be able to wave the second class by checking with the staff/instructor. B&W II is focused on printing on fiber and other advanced techniques. Also a good class to take eventually.

    Other nearby options for workshops:

    Bruce Barnbaum is excellent and is local. I'd suggest his Complete Photographic Process for B&W.

    Photographer's Formulary also has great workshops in Montana over the summer. I'd suggest their Art of Black & White Photography workshop.

    Good luck.

  7. #7
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Wow, what a thoughtful response, agregov! I will definitely follow up on these. Thanks!

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  8. #8
    mike rosenlof's Avatar
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    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    you can always ask questions here! lots of helpful people. Of course you will occasionally get contradicting answers to a question. It's not hands-on guidance, but it's better than nothing.

    And read Ansel Adams trio "The Camera" "The Negative" "The Print"

    welcome to the club.

  9. #9
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Seattle, WA

    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Thanks to all who responded! I'm regrouping after rushing to take holiday visitor photos a little before i was entirely prepared. Delighted at my subjects' willingness to sit for portraits. A few nice successes sprinkled in among some disappointments. After developing some more I'll be back with specific questions.

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  10. #10
    Exploring Large Format Exploring Large Format's Avatar
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    Re: Seeking LF tutoring in Seattle area

    Thanks for checking in. Still trying to get some more of my own hands-on experience for now. Will print for first time this week. We'll see how that goes. I will likely ask for help when I feel I've got my feet under me some more. Thanks again!

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