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Thread: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

  1. #11
    Eric Woodbury
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter Collins View Post
    Another nudge to digital?
    Another nudge NOT to fly.

  2. #12

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    Quote Originally Posted by jp View Post
    Send the film USPS if this becomes widespread. Just remember all the fun things are being restricted everywhere it's not just film. This is at a stadium. Looks like a bucket list to me...

    Attachment 197770
    How does one define a 'professional style' camera, 500mm lens on a DSLR?

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    Quote Originally Posted by jp View Post
    Send the film USPS if this becomes widespread. Just remember all the fun things are being restricted everywhere it's not just film. This is at a stadium. Looks like a bucket list to me...

    Attachment 197770
    They must not have ever seen a Dodgers game at Ebbitts Field!

  4. #14
    John Olsen
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Madison, WI

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    Did Freestyle just pick the "thousand times" more radiation out of the air? I appreciate the warning, but how about some actual numbers, results of real-life tests? This forum has a lot of members who like to play with actual scientific concepts, so somebody, please, run a roll of 400ISO thru a scanner to give us a data point. I'll pay for the roll of film and develop it myself, if you wish.

  5. #15

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Atlanta, GA

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    Here is some reading material that might help. One article references possible use of periodic exposures in the CT slice method, which has some implications for film (stripes?). Looks like you can calculate the exposure in mrem using the ma and kv values, assume a constant exposure based on the track speed. On first pass I don't see anything connecting mrem to film iso. Perhaps compare the older luggage scanner mrem to the new scanners. And never forget that radiation exposure is cumulative.

  6. #16

    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    West Coast

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    The PetaPixel article only offers conjecture, not proof. Not one mention of any first hand experience with these new scanners. Someone needs to actually run a roll of film through one and see what actually happens.

  7. #17
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    One unexposed modern sheet film in the original packaging may tell more than a roll of 120

    When processed...
    Tin Can

  8. #18

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Atlanta, GA

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    I agree. A sheet oriented orthogonal to the source and in the center of your baggage.

    Re sending film through the mail, why should that be assumed to be a safe mode?

  9. #19

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    When information about these new machines was first posted here over a month ago (https://www.largeformatphotography.i...nners-fog-film), I immediately wrote to both Analog and TSA to inquire about possible effects on light meters, specifically those with silicon photo diode cells. Analog, the maker of the new machine, has not responded, but today I received an answer from TSA which I copy below for those who may be interested in what the agency had to say. I gather from the answer that their recommendation applies to all light meters regardless of type:

    N. Riley

    Good Afternoon,

    We appreciate your recent inquiry through the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Contact Center (TCC) regarding Computed Tomography (CT) scanners and photographic film.

    TSA does not have information on the effects that CT scanners have on the calibration or function of light meters in photographic film. Due to high sensitivity of undeveloped film and possible camera light meter issues, TSA recommends having film and cameras with light meters hand-inspected by a Transportation Security Officer to prevent possible damage.

    If you require further information, please contact the TCC for assistance.

    Thank you,

    APM Communications Team
    Contractor, E3 Federal Solutions

  10. #20
    Pieter's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Travelers: New X-ray machines WILL ruin your film

    TSA says you can put film in checked baggage. They also say CT scanning is currently being used for checked bags. Anyone have any experience with film being affected in checked bags? I assume hand inspection is still an option for film being carried on.

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