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Thread: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    I am looking for a smaller 240mm for my Linhof Master Technika and I ran across a Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in a Compur 0 shutter. I am not familiar with this lens, so I thought I would ask the group here. My intended use is for landscapes and some botanical photos. I will be using Provia 100F slide film.

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    Just as an aside, when I was looking for a lens for flower shots with my bellows-challenged Horseman HF, one thing that struck me was just how all-over-the-map reviews of the Tele-Arton's were. I ended up going with the newest version of the 270/5.5--it's a bulky lens (77mm filter thread), all black, in the newer black Copal shutter--but I've found it surprisingly light and sharp when stopped down a bit. (FWIW, one advantage of the 77mm filter ring is that it accepts my Canon 500D diopter...haven't made any exposures with that set-up, but just a quick look at the GG makes me think it holds promise.)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    Yea, I was really surprised at what I found about on the reviews as well, so that is why I made my post here to see if some quality info is passed along based on first-hand experience and not just a repeat of Internet rumors. I do a lot of my botanical with the 150 lens and some bellows extension, but there are times when I need a little extra distance between me and the flowers and the 240 is nice for that. The challenge is that most 240 lenses are BIG and that is what I am trying to avoid because I really want to backpack with it, if possible.

    Quote Originally Posted by CreationBear View Post
    Just as an aside, when I was looking for a lens for flower shots with my bellows-challenged Horseman HF, one thing that struck me was just how all-over-the-map reviews of the Tele-Arton's were. I ended up going with the newest version of the 270/5.5--it's a bulky lens (77mm filter thread), all black, in the newer black Copal shutter--but I've found it surprisingly light and sharp when stopped down a bit. (FWIW, one advantage of the 77mm filter ring is that it accepts my Canon 500D diopter...haven't made any exposures with that set-up, but just a quick look at the GG makes me think it holds promise.)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    Quote Originally Posted by LFLarry View Post
    The challenge is that most 240 lenses are BIG and that is what I am trying to avoid because I really want to backpack with it, if possible.
    Take a look at the Fujinon 250mm f6.3. Supposed to cover 5x7", and the reviews are mostly ok

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    I think that still is a pretty big lens with 810 gr. How about lenses like the apo-ronar, g-claron, fujinon A or another process lens in shutter? They are excellent performers and weigh less then half. And be aware: tele-lenses make front tilt and swing to a pain as the front nodal point is way in front of the lens, while those process lenses can be used as every other lens.

  6. #6

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    Feb 2010

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    I'd look at the G-claron or Fuji 240/9. The Tele-arton 240 normally comes in a Compur 1 or 2 shutter, I am surprised it is in a copal 0 - someone must have adapted it. be aware it won't be f/5.5 in that case, probably more like f/8 wide open at best. The 240 process lenses will be sharper than that tele arton and smaller. Unless you need a fast(ish) 240 (and this one in the copal 0 won't be as fast as in the correct shutter), and/or less bellows draw, there's no reason to choose the tele arton for this application.

  7. #7

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    Jul 2008

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    Suggest avoiding telephoto design view camera lenses unless absolutely needed due to limited bellows or similar limitations. If a smaller 240mm lens is needed for 4x5 fold up a process lens like Rodenstock APO ronar, Goerz APO artar, and similar is a far better choice. These have better optical performance than telephoto design view camera lenses, MUCH smaller and lower weight. The f9 full aperture might appear to be a problem, in real world use full aperture of f9 is not really a problem for viewing or related perceptions of this being a problem.


  8. #8

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    Melbourne Australia

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    I still have a Linhof Schneider Kreuznach 250mm f/5.6 Tele-Arton in a Compur 1 shutter. I will probably move it on next year; I think. I have had this lens for around 7-8 years and used it a fair amount, getting to know its strengths and weaknesses

    I replaced it with a Fujinon W 250mm f/6.3 some time ago and have not regretted it one bit.

    There is nothing at all wrong with the Tele-Arton, in fact it is a wonderful lens. The deficiencies outlined by Bernice are what made me decide to look and wait for a replacement, which came in the form of the 250 Fujinon lens.

    As for compactness, I cannot compare a 240mm f/5.5 Tele-Arton with what I have. However I just pulled the kitchen scales out and the 250 f/5.6 Tele-Arton without a lens board weighs 701g. The 250 f/6.3 Fujinon weighs 670g with a lens board. Here’s the rub, the Tele-Arton is longer. The Fujinon is 83mm in length, while the Tele-Arton is 91mm in length.

    I have used the Fujinon extensively for landscape work and whenever the opportunity arose, close-up photography of plant structures and flowers. For close-up work in the field with my Shen Hao HZX45-IIA it works quite well. It is also a very good close-up portrait lens.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2001

    Re: Thoughts About Schneider 240mm f/5.5 Tele Arton in Compur 0 Shutter?

    The point is he will not have enough Bellows extension for a 250mm Fuji only a bit shorter then infinity, on the Horseman und I have the 270mm Tele Arton and I like it very much. The 240 are in very different shutters and it covers just very tied 4x5, the 270mm is newer and covers with some little spare for movement!
    I tested it against my APO Ronar 300mm and I could not see a difference in sharpness! I will use it on my Horseman HF in future for portraits!


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