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Thread: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

  1. #121

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    After 80+ years under a dark cloth gazing at an upside down image, i still get a kick out of seeing what appears to me to be a nice, pleasing image. Do others think the same of my images? probably not, but I don't care -I still enjoy the chase.

  2. #122
    Tin Can's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Good for you and I decidedly agree

    and I just rolled up a few cassettes of bulk Delta 100 because there are no rules
    Tin Can

  3. #123

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    ...I still get a kick out of seeing what appears to me to be a nice, pleasing image. Do others think the same of my images? probably not, but I don't care -I still enjoy the chase.
    +1 Photograph for yourself, first and foremost. If others like/love your work, so much the better.

  4. #124

    Join Date
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    Oxfordshire UK

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    certainly agree with that statement



  5. #125

    Join Date
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    Scottsdale, AZ

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Noel View Post
    After 80+ years under a dark cloth gazing at an upside down image, i still get a kick out of seeing what appears to me to be a nice, pleasing image. Do others think the same of my images? probably not, but I don't care -I still enjoy the chase.
    Several years ago, I finally acknowledged reality -- i.e., that the world was not desperate to pay me for my photography ... lol -- and stopped trying to monetize it via print sales, etc.

    Since then, "the thrill of the chase" is the only thing that motivates me to go out into the world with my camera and entertain / amuse myself by taking photos.

    If others happen to enjoy my photography as well, that's great; and if not, well, that's okay, too.

    The only person I aim to please these days is myself and that's plenty tough enough!

    More of my photos can be seen at my photo-blog here:

  6. #126
    Ray Van Nes
    Join Date
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    Calgary, AB Canada

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Agreed. For the handful of lucky ones who find an audience there are a multitude who will remain unknown although their work may be exemplary. However, I still need to go out there and make images - great ones of course. To the initial question, there are great shots everywhere. Our medium is about light and form. Remember that Brett Weston photographed his dirty skillet and according to John Sexton, garbage bags , as they caught the light. Everything was fair game to him.

  7. #127

    Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Because the reality is that the word has moved on without us. Trust me, I’m 34 with an MFA in Photography. My classmates who played around with photo paper and photoshop are the ones landing grants ... they’re “challenging the conventions of photography”

    Most people here are modernists... those days are LONG over.

    I try to have a foot in each camp... modernist in the sense that I love 8x10 and silver, but post modernist in the sense that pictures of sharp trees and nature (ala Edward Weston) will just make you a great photographic practitioner but not an artist... at least in the 2019 way of the world.

    The other reality is that I’m going to assume that less than .01% of the membership of this forum goes at this as their primary means of making a living, at least from making art pictures. Maybe you’re a commercial guy, but that’s not the same thing. People here are lawyers, engineers, office workers, etc but few are true artists. The days of that life are nearly economically impossible. I teach to make a living, like many of us MFA kiddos.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  8. #128
    Peter De Smidt's Avatar
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    Fond du Lac, WI, USA

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    You're only a "true artist" if you make your living selling your art? I would call that being a professional artist. Isn't post-modernism itself getting a bit long in the tooth?

    This is a bit like my own area, philosophy. What excites academics is not all there is to philosophy.
    “You often feel tired, not because you've done too much, but because you've done too little of what sparks a light in you.”
    ― Alexander Den Heijer, Nothing You Don't Already Know

  9. #129
    Corran's Avatar
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    North GA Mountains

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Quote Originally Posted by dodphotography View Post
    in the sense that pictures of sharp trees and nature (ala Edward Weston) will just make you a great photographic practitioner but not an artist...
    Oh really?

    Quote Originally Posted by dodphotography View Post
    at least in the 2019 way of the world.
    Michael Kenna, Clyde Butcher, and many others out there today doing just that. And, I'm not sure how you can say one person is an artist and another isn't just because of the time period they are alive in.

    Quote Originally Posted by dodphotography View Post
    People here are lawyers, engineers, office workers, etc but few are true artists. The days of that life are nearly economically impossible.
    Only those who earn money only from their art are "true" artists? And you would not qualify yourself as a "true" artist because you teach for the majority of your paycheck?
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  10. #130

    Re: Where are the great shots? Am I a cynicist or a realist?

    Quote Originally Posted by Peter De Smidt View Post
    You're only a "true artist" if you make your living selling your art? I would call that being a professional artist. Isn't post-modernism itself getting a bit long in the tooth?

    This is a bit like my own area, philosophy. What excites academics is not all there is to philosophy.
    No, it’s not... again... pay attention to contemporary photography. None of us are winning Guggenheim Fellowships or MacArthur Grants

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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