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Thread: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

  1. #51

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Moe View Post
    Create a Startup with those ideas!

    Perhaps, Plywood Starter?

    Not kidding!
    Plywood Starter!? That's rich. Let Kickstarter implement it, they have the name recognition. Perhaps they could call it 'Enhanced Kickstarter' (you know, like 'enhanced' interrogation) Or, 'Kickstarter Plus'. They already have a branch of the business called Quickstarter, for small or limited projects. They could start it as a side business and still keep their current devil-may-care cash cow business model.

    But what does Mr. Moe think of these ideas? Are they too draconian? Will they crush the fragile flower of a great idea before it even starts? Will it weed out the ones just too inexperienced and unprepared to run a successful campaign? I would hope so. Will it eliminate outright crooks and con men? Probably. (But I rather doubt there are that many of those types on Kickstarter.) Do you think could or should take a more hands on, proactive role in their crowdfunding platform?

  2. #52

    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Well folks, Jollylook just posted their last update. With at least 2/3 of the rewards not shipped and no plan to replace bad cameras already sent out. This last update was, when translated into plain speak, this message. "Kiss off backers, you ain't going to see your rewards (but thanks for setting us up in business)."

  3. #53
    Jim Graves Jim Graves's Avatar
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    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Not what the update says at all.

  4. #54
    Join Date
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    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Here is the gist of it:

    It turned out that we were too optimistic, after solving all the problems with production and setting it up, we don’t have enough money to buy film and continue shipping rewards in the planned quantities and time.

    Although we were forced, as we wrote earlier, to sell some of the cameras, sales are not going as well as expected and do not provide sufficient funds.... we are in a situation where we need to sell two cameras in order to be able to ship one reward to you, our backers.... We will be sending rewards in small batches every two weeks. The sooner we will be able to sell more cameras, the sooner we will be able to ship all the rewards.... We will continue to work very hard to fulfil our obligations and will keep you informed. All of you will receive your rewards!

  5. #55
    おせわに なります! Andrew O'Neill's Avatar
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    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Sounds to me like they are still committed, Mr. Plywood.

  6. #56

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    Jul 2014

    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    As I said, plain speak, or, if you prefer, bottom line, how about net result?
    The real galling thing about it is lack of response to reasonable backer questions, for instance;

    Numerous backers have asked ‘Can you send the cameras without film?’
    Jollylook, no answer.
    I asked, ‘Can you just send me a development unit with crank?’
    Jollylook, no answer.
    Several backers have offered to pay for shipping.
    Jollylook, no answer.

    Now I know this is common among kickstarter creators. It seems that when things go wrong the natural tendency is to clam up, go dark, refuse to communicate.
    But that said, my feeling is, if you just cannot fulfill your promise, then at least answer backer questions. That will cost creators some time, even sleepless nights, but it is the right thing to do.

  7. #57

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    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew O'Neill View Post
    Sounds to me like they are still committed, Mr. Plywood.

    Trouble is, the retail price they have on their own website is $69, and this does not include shipping. Freestyle apparently have them in stock for $65, but again, there will be shipping to add. Originally their own site had the camera priced at $55 but that was changed over a month ago.
    At these prices I rather doubt they can sell enough units to ever fulfill backer rewards.
    One thing they could do is a survey of backers to determine if, for a certain additional funding, say $18 per backer, they would have enough additional capital to complete and ship backer rewards. Not ideal for sure but, they should at least give backers an option.

  8. #58

    Join Date
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    Tilburg the Netherlands

    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    I am one of the backers. I am hopeful they will eventually send one of their cameras my way.

    If not then not, it is one of the risk of supporting a kickstarter campaign that a project may fail. I am happy that they have not given up yet.

    They have sent an update wher the backers can indicate that sending no film is okay, answering to comments from backers to do this.


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  9. #59
    Marc! munz6869's Avatar
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    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    I've received my camera already, down here in chilly Australia. I haven't had a chance to test it yet, but its nicely packaged...


  10. #60

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Santa Barbara

    Re: Jollylook - The First Cardboard Vintage Instant Camera!

    I'm one of the original backers.. and honestly, have given up on ever seeing a camera. I figure Kickstarter is always a crapshoot and I lost this roll...HOWEVER.. that Kickstarter magy back I got for my Nikon FA that uses the square instax film... WINNER... big winner... that thing rules

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