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Thread: tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

  1. #1

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    well, i read the very disappointing news about kodak discontinuing tmax100 in th e readyload system. i have written them a long diatribe about abandoning the pr ofessional market in this way. the calumet person i deal with says there is no other B/W film in a quickload type system available from any other manufacturer (ie, fuji doesn;t offer a b/w film in quickload, no ilford system, no agfa, pola roid is not adequate for archival work for HABS/HAER, etc). however, he did ask his kodak rep about it, and that person said kodak would be planning a b/w read yload film in about a year, but did not know which emulsion it would be. so, wh ere does that leave us? buy a year's worth and stockpile it? do any of you kno w of other alternatives?

  2. #2

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    I just hate repetitious redundancy, but: Fuji Neopan 80 is available in Quickloads through Badger Graphics - it is a truly wonderful film and the Quickload format works!!! They have also dropped the only Kodak product that I use, 4X5 HSI...gotta love 'em up there!


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 1999

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    One thing I'd suggest is Polaroid's type 51, and shoot for the negative, that way - assuming you have a container with the clearing agent - you can see if your' negs are fine or need more exposure. As for Kodak bringing out B+W in the new readyloads, given the apparent popularity, (though one thing to note, I'm not a user of the ready/quickload system so this is vague speculation), of Tmax 100 in readyload I'd say that it would be very shortsighted of Kodak if it didn't produce it in the new format.

  4. #4

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    thanks DAB - i see that B&H and Calumet do not carry the neopan quickload b/w film. nor does my largest local vendor, prophoto in portland, OR. are there other suppliers for this film in addition to badger that you know of? being too dependent on one vendor can cause some serious problems when your projects have a short fuse.

  5. #5

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    So far as I know, Badger Graphics (800-558-5350)is the only source of Neopan 80 in the US. DAB.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Mar 2000

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    Badger carries Neopan 80 Quickloads. The price is $60 per 20-sheet box!

  7. #7

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    From the reports of poor focal-plane accuracy with readyloads, it's probably no great loss.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jan 1999

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    Polaroid Type 51 won't qualify for HABS/HAER so that suggestion won't work. I do a lot of HABS/HAER too, and Kodak has dropped what I use most also...TMAX 100 5x7. I have never liked Readyloads, but that subject has been exhausted elsewhere. I just carry hundreds of holders when I do a HABS or HAER level job and I have the bad back to prove it. Kodak may feel that it is "good business" to prop and drop products so quickly, but my answer is that I am just testing other films that may be around a little longer. I have TMX down pat but I am not going to wait for them to drop what else I like. What next? TMAX 4x5 sheets? Very discouraging when you spend lots to learn a product and get to love it and know its variables.

  9. #9

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    Pete mentions the poor film "plane" (its pretty non-planar) accuracy of current ReadyLoad technology. Since the new single-sheet packets are designed like Fuji QL, and will fit the Fuji holder, that may solve that problem. I have had good film plane accuracy with the QL combination.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    tmax b/w readyload system alternatives?

    Glen, according to Joe Englander's Camera & Darkroom article, which I think is available through the Large Format Home Page, the QuickLoad system's focal plane accuracy is not significantly better than ReadyLoad's. Although exact displacement from optimum may be different, both suffer from not accounting for envelope thickness, consequently pushing the film away from the lens at the end where the envelope sticks out of the holder during exposure.

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