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Thread: New Film From Fuji!

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    New Film From Fuji!

    "Now there was this chicken crossing a road with a toy camera"


  2. #12

    New Film From Fuji!

    "Now there was this chicken crossing a road with a toy camera"


    To get to the other halide ;-)

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Newbury, Vermont

    New Film From Fuji!

    Sounds like a chicken with some serious emulsional issues!

  4. #14

    New Film From Fuji!

    Yes, Walt, it was an attempt at humour. I'm fed up of reading about new film being announced, only to find it's not available in sheets.

  5. #15

    New Film From Fuji!


    Don't blame you for feeling fed up about the state of film offered in larger formats.

    I guess I was fed up at hearing too many times that smaller formats are "toys" when all of this stuff we use are simply tools. I withdraw my comment.

    And Dave, you've got me laughing out loud with your completion of the "chicken" joke. Most excellent use of photo terms!!!


  6. #16

    New Film From Fuji!

    Walt, I never withdrew my comment about toy cameras.

  7. #17

    New Film From Fuji!


    Since I've never gotten over playing with "toys" as a kid, I think all my cameras from pinhole, digital, 35 mm, 6x6, 6x7, 4x5, and yes, 8x10 are just expensive toys.

    My 8x10 camera is simply a bigger toy. 16x20 format probably is a great deal of fun to play with, but it's only a dream for me.

    It appears that even though you were making a joke about film, you still have certain opinion about smaller formats that I don't share.

    Oh well, I don't get it. My lose.

    Dave, I'm still smiling about "the other halide."

  8. #18
    Dave Karp
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Los Angeles, CA

    New Film From Fuji!

    And by the way, the old Fuji Tungsten sheet film was very nice. If the new stuff is even nicer, we are that much richer having it available.

    One of my favorite interior shots was made with the old film using existing light and the modeling lights only from a couple of monolights as fill. The colors were just beautiful. (That coming from a primarily B&W kind of guy.)

    I never did it, but often thought that using it outside with a correction filter would render some very nice color photographs. Oh well, another thing for my list.

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