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Thread: Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Culver City, CA

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    I recently purchased the Nikor T* ED 600 lens with the convertable 800 rear element to use with my 8x10. So far I've only used it a couple times, but I'm having a hard time trying to use filters with the lens and was wondering what others do. The filter thread size of the front element is 95mm, yet if I attach a Lee adapter ring, then I can barely use any movements before I see vignetting. On top of that, the rear elements don't have any filter threads, so I can't readily attach my filter system. But more importantly, even if I could, how am I supposed to adjust a Grad ND filter if it's inside the camera?

    Anyway, what are others using with this lens to be able to use Lee filters? Some of my images require very long exposures, so holding a Grad ND in place is out of the question.
    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  2. #2
    Eric Woodbury
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    I have the same lens(es). I use 4" gels in cardboard frames. These I attach with a little homemade holder. Take a piece of foamcore and cut a hole just big enough that the front of you lens just slides in nicely. To this add little corners to hold the frames. It's close, but it works and you don't have to buy and carry $100 filters. For the rest of my smaller lenses, I use a Lee gel filter holder that fits on the lens with a rubber band.

    If you are going to hold graduated ND resins, then you'll have to adapt this idea.
    my picture blog

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Culver City, CA

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    Thanks for the suggestions, Eric. I was kind of figuring that a home-made filter holder was going to be necessary. I'll just have to play around with things.
    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Orange, CA

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    Use the Lee FK100 press-on filter holder, which sits closer to the lens front element than the standard holder and thereby reduces vignetting. It fits directly over the lens barrel and does not require an adapter ring. I don't remember having any vignetting problems when using this holder with the Nikkor T lens. Here is B&H's listing for it:

    If for some reason you still experience vignetting, you can always reduce the number of filter slots to reduce the profile of the holder.

  5. #5
    Scott Davis
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Washington DC

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    I'll second the recommendation of the Lee rubber-band model filter holder. It takes 4x4 gels, one at a time, and you can get the filter as close to the lens surface as you want. It has two major advantages - one, it's CHEAP, and two, it requires no special adapters so it fits all lenses.

  6. #6

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    I bought the Nikkor 600-800-1200 combo used this past fall. The photographer who owned it before made a small 4x4 gel holder (out of foam core painted black) to slip onto the rear element. Works great.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Orange, CA

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    My concern about the rubber band and home made 4x4 solutions is how well they work with 4x6 ND grad filters. Setting the horizon line of an ND grad requires sliding the filter in the filter holder with one hand, while looking through the ground glass and holding your focusing loupe with the other. The filter holder needs to stay stable during this process; otherwise setting the horizon line properly becomes nearly impossible. The Lee press-on holder is machined to tightly fit a 100mm diameter lens barrel, plus it has a clamping mechanism to ensure it stays on tight.

    I've seen several homemade foam-based holders that worked great for holding a single 4x4 filter. But they could not handle a 4x6.

    The other issue is whether or not you want to use the Lee hood at least some of the time. If so, you will need more than one filter slot (the hood is attached using the outermost slot).

  8. #8

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    Eric - you're right about that, and I don't have an answer about using a 4x6 filter. Sorry.

    I'm usually shooting color neg, and after a scan, adding a gradation in PhotoShop.

    Someone here should have a solution for you!

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Culver City, CA

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    Eric, I think you've got the best solution. I was simply unaware of this product. Unfortunately, it's not the cheapest option, but considering how much I've got invested in filters and such, the cost of this is nothing. And I have to agree with you whole-heartedly that it needs to be a rigid system. The funny thing is that I was dreaming up something of this exact nature, but hadn't figured out how to build it yet. I was even thinking about talking to a friend of mine who owns a machine shop to see if we could come up with something. But forget that! Why re-invent the wheel when Lee has already done it. Thanks for the heads up.
    Mike Boden
    Instagram: @mikebodenphoto

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jul 2001

    Filters and Nikor T* 600/800/1200 ED

    The prolem of vignetting when doing movements is NOT a function of the filter on the lense. The Nikkor 600-800-1200 just barely covers 8x10 and even with no filter there is no movement . You could always put a filter on the rear element.

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