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Thread: Inspiration and Youtube

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mount Horeb, WI

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Horne View Post
    With the videos, my goal is to show the actual experience of getting out there, and finding subjects. They aren't meant as tutorials, which is why I don't get into the technical stuff. I call them video journals as opposed to vlogs because I honestly don't create them as entertainment. I treat them as a written journal where I share my honest thoughts on the experience — the good, the bad, the mediocre. They are something I can look back on at a later date and see where I have come from, much the same as why people keep a written journal. My philosophy is to lead by example and show what is possible, as opposed to simply talking about technical stuff. I'm not quite sure I understand what you mean by the videos being "for arm chair photographers who never leave home" but everyone is entitled to their opinion. :-)
    While in my mind I think I have plenty of experience when it comes to LF photography, I still watch all of Ben's videos. I find them informative, enjoyable, (although Ben mentions that he doesn't create them as entertainment), and well done. If anything, they make me want to get back out and try again. They make me think (that is where the inspiration from his videos, and others comes in to play). I am always trying to capture images that I might find interesting and compelling, and believe me, I am not an armchair photographer by any stretch of the imagination. Inspiration can come from many different venues, YouTube videos are just one of them.

  2. #32

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becia View Post
    While in my mind I think I have plenty of experience when it comes to LF photography, I still watch all of Ben's videos. I find them informative, enjoyable, (although Ben mentions that he doesn't create them as entertainment), and well done. If anything, they make me want to get back out and try again. They make me think (that is where the inspiration from his videos, and others comes in to play). I am always trying to capture images that I might find interesting and compelling, and believe me, I am not an armchair photographer by any stretch of the imagination. Inspiration can come from many different venues, YouTube videos are just one of them.
    Which part is the informative part..the doing is the only learn by doing. I've shot thousands of sheets of film and I'm still going to learn everytime I put the camera on a tripod. This is a country of watchers not doers so the videos play exactly into that mindset.

  3. #33

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    Mount Horeb, WI

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by peter schrager View Post
    Which part is the informative part..the doing is the only learn by doing. I've shot thousands of sheets of film and I'm still going to learn everytime I put the camera on a tripod. This is a country of watchers not doers so the videos play exactly into that mindset.
    Peter, if you don’t watch these videos, not sure how you can be so critical of them. I guess you don’t read about anything either as that is not “doing.”

  4. #34

    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by peter schrager View Post
    Which part is the informative part..the doing is the only learn by doing. I've shot thousands of sheets of film and I'm still going to learn everytime I put the camera on a tripod. This is a country of watchers not doers so the videos play exactly into that mindset.
    There are lots of different ways to learn. "Doing something" is one way to learn, but so is going to a gallery and looking at some beautiful prints in person. We learn and draw inspiration from everything around us, and use that to further our own creative pursuits. You mention that you learn every time you put the camera on a tripod — but have you ever been inspired by — and learned from other art forms? Perhaps viewing an art exhibit of paintings would inspire you to take a somewhat different approach on your next photo? Maybe it would influence your lighting, or your choice of subject? We absorb information and inspiration from world around us. The more we experience, the more we learn. It seems you have made up your mind that the ONLY way to learn is by doing something, but if you limit yourself to ONLY that, how much can you ever actually learn? I am not trying to teach technique with the videos. Instead, I tell the story of finding subjects, what attracted me to them, and why I setup the compositions that I did. That is the sort of information I love to hear from pother photographers – the thought process behind a particular photo.

  5. #35
    bob carnie's Avatar
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    Toronto, Ontario,

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    I like many here grew up on paying for the Zone V1 newsletters , and have had my share of purchasing education. The reason I do the Youtube videos is because I like giving back to my community any knowledge I have learned over the years. I strongly believe there are no techniques or methods that should not be discussed freely, I have always said Sandy King IMO has given more back to us than any one single person, freely discussing at any time and answering any question I have had of him, I use him as a role model.

    I have found this investment in time and money to produce these simple videos has paid me back many times over and I really like hearing myself talk.

    I charge people to visit and take workshops at my location here in Toronto, but I find the Youtube videos help people understand what they may be into when coming here.

  6. #36

    Join Date
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    Tonopah, Nevada, USA

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    My daughter watched a bunch of you-tube videos on wet plate photography. She bought a bunch of chemicals and came for a visit. I watched the same videos. We gave wet plate a try. Massive fail. Huge fail. So much for video confidence. Wasted time and money. Neither of us has the time or the money for a proper hands on class. So the chems and supplies will be $$$ wasted I think.

  7. #37

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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by peter schrager View Post
    Which part is the informative part..the doing is the only learn by doing. I've shot thousands of sheets of film and I'm still going to learn everytime I put the camera on a tripod. This is a country of watchers not doers so the videos play exactly into that mindset.
    Not necessarily.
    Everyone is different when it comes to learning.
    Some learn by doing, others by reading, others learn by writing or drawing. yet others learn by listening or observing, or other stimuli.
    Of course, the only way you're going to make photos is by doing.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  8. #38

    Join Date
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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Galli View Post
    My daughter watched a bunch of you-tube videos on wet plate photography. She bought a bunch of chemicals and came for a visit. I watched the same videos. We gave wet plate a try. Massive fail. Huge fail. So much for video confidence. Wasted time and money. Neither of us has the time or the money for a proper hands on class. So the chems and supplies will be $$$ wasted I think.
    You tube doesn't require the people who make instructional videos to actually know what the are doing. I've seen people ruin good cars because of bad You tube car repair videos.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  9. #39

    Join Date
    May 2018

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Galli View Post
    My daughter watched a bunch of you-tube videos on wet plate photography. She bought a bunch of chemicals and came for a visit. I watched the same videos. We gave wet plate a try. Massive fail. Huge fail. So much for video confidence. Wasted time and money. Neither of us has the time or the money for a proper hands on class. So the chems and supplies will be $$$ wasted I think.
    Jim, do you remember what those videos are, so we can avoid them?

  10. #40

    Re: Inspiration and Youtube

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Becia View Post
    Peter, if you don’t watch these videos, not sure how you can be so critical of them. I guess you don’t read about anything either as that is not “doing.”
    Jim obviously I've sat through a few of the videos or I would have never made the comments. I'm certainly happy that Mr. Horn is doing what makes him happy. People like entertainment and I guess this is one form of that. it's a big world and my opinions are strictly mine and not meant to demeanor or reduce someone else's efforts.
    have a great everyone!!

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