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Thread: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Wondervu, Colorado

    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    I frequently shoot in highly populated tourist areas. I don't mind the questions when I am finished or between shots. It's amazing how many people have never seen a view camera and how fascinated they are. Oh, how quickly time has moved on beyond film to digital cameras and now to cell phones....

  2. #12
    David Lobato David Lobato's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    I have been asked several times about my 8x10. That's okay and it's nice to explain to curious people about LF. The worst was when an adolescent kid did a running leap over my open pack and gear spread on the ground in Canyonlands NP. That was a near disaster.

  3. #13
    gimenosaiz's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!


    I seldom shoot in populated areas but when I've done it I'm enquired about the camera, the process I follow , even about the availability of film! Many want to take a pic of the camera ... I love it. Really. I invite to the most curious to look trought the ground glass ... I really love to share what I know about LF. As Jim Noel said "How else are we going to recruit newcomers to LF. "


  4. #14
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    Quote Originally Posted by gimenosaiz View Post
    I seldom shoot in populated areas but when I've done it I'm enquired about the camera, the process I follow , even about the availability of film! ...
    Yes it always curious to be asked if they still make film after I have carried the 11x14 a half mile or so through a creek. While a snarky answer does creep into my thoughts ("No...I just carry the camera for exercise."), I usually mention a few companies around the world still making film, but that our selection is now more limited. Then I suggest that they lift their kid up so that they can see the image on the GG, etc. Fun as long as the light and wind are not changing...sometimes I'll ask them to wait until I make my exposures. Then I'll suggest that they stick their iPhone in front of lens instead of just along side the camera...
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China

  5. #15
    Bob Sawin's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    I was photographing early one spring at Palouse Falls in eastern Washington. Two bus loads of high school kids unloaded near where I was shooting and I was mobbed by curious kids. While most of them kinda got the camera it was my ligh meter that stole the show. I passed it around and let them take readings and they were dazzled.
    Best regards,


  6. #16

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    Nov 2017

    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Ben Calwell View Post
    In all my years of shooting large format, not once has anyone come up to me to ask about the camera. I take that back -- a guy did approach me once because he thought I was part of a highway survey crew.
    I'm not even a year using the 4x5 and already struck some conversations about it. Even someone wanted to know if the Wista is a Hasselblad, go figure. But I agree, sometimes you have to know when to stay inside and when to go out. I'm on the very cautious side of things. I stay inside if it is anything else than windstill and mild sunny. Like the cats.
    Expert in non-working solutions.

  7. #17
    Steven Ruttenberg's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    It was nice that people noticed. One person sent me images of me and my camera that he and his wife took. I even gave them some photography tips for the canyon shots. I am surprised if I appear approachable, I am 240lbs at 5'10.5", former Marine, Sheriff's Deputy and body builder. I make most people look like midgets from Wizard of Oz. But it is nice to know at least that my appearance is no longer as mean looking.

  8. #18

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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    Once, I was behind my 4x5", when an older fellow approached me and told me that his grandfather had a camera like this and it must still be around somewhere. At which point I had to interrupt him - because I was just taking a group shot at a wedding and had 70 people posing in front of the camera. How could he think this was a good time to strike up a conversation?

  9. #19
    Steven Ruttenberg's Avatar
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    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael E View Post
    Once, I was behind my 4x5", when an older fellow approached me and told me that his grandfather had a camera like this and it must still be around somewhere. At which point I had to interrupt him - because I was just taking a group shot at a wedding and had 70 people posing in front of the camera. How could he think this was a good time to strike up a conversation?
    Imagine an older fellow seeing one of us youngens with a camera his grandfather used! LOL. That said, he probably could have waited.

  10. #20

    Join Date
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    Big Rapids, MI

    Re: Saturday was knew of those days you should just stay in bed!

    Sorry to resurrect an old post; but Michael E, that made me laugh out loud. Worst that I've had is to ask grandma to sit down during the ceremony so that I could get the first kiss

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