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Thread: Selling Prints Online

  1. #31

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ontario, Canada

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    Hi jnanian!

    Thanks, for your latest message reply to the thread.
    You have posted, some very 'Insightful' and constructive comments Re: Selling Prints Online.
    I sincerely hope, that thing$ continue to go really well for you... On 'Imagekind'.
    Best regards,


  2. #32

    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Ontario, Canada

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    @ jnanian...

    You have a PM. Please clear some space in your 'In Box'.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    North Dakota

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    FAA - The Federal Aviation Administration sell prints?
    ” Never attribute to inspiration that which can be adequately explained by delusion”.

  4. #34

    Join Date
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    Ontario, Canada

    Re: Selling Prints Online

  5. #35
    John Olsen
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Madison, WI

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    This is a timely thread for me. I've gotten out of the galleries that were taking so much of my time and have put up items now on Ebay. I'll let you know in a few weeks whether it works for me, but feedback and advice from LFF members would be interesting also.

  6. #36
    Corran's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    North GA Mountains

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    John, I am interested in how it goes for you on eBay. I personally see eBay as a small to non-existent marketplace for art (other than big-time collector stuff) but I would be happy to be wrong.

    Some time ago I made a thread about art/prints and the current thinking of my generation (Millennials) about "stuff." There was a Marketplace story this evening that had some interesting perspective about home decor. They mention art a little bit and how Millennials may prefer making things themselves or simply having their own experiences rather than buying art.

    A quick quote:
    “We don’t purchase art anymore,” she said. “We make art and use Pinterest and Ikea hacks. It’s cheaper. It looks cool and it’s more representative of us.”

    How the financial crisis changed the way we think about home (Marketplace APM)

    This week I am lucky to have sold 7 prints, small to midsize images. It'll take a bit more to get me enthusiastic about the market for art.
    Bryan | Blog | YouTube | Instagram | Portfolio
    All comments and thoughtful critique welcome

  7. #37

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    St. Simons Island, Georgia

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    I’ll just add that Fine Art America paid just as they promised.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Del City, OK

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    These days, selling prints is all about making a personal connection. Sure you can sell stuff online or at a gallery just by throwing enough stuff out there, but that’s a hard road to hoe if you’re not already a recognized name. What people really want to buy isn’t a photograph, but the experience of meeting an artist and being a part of a scene.

    My fiancé has sold many prints online for some pretty sizable profits. Her trick is being active on social media platforms and interacting with anyone and everyone. Every time she posts a photo on Instagram and some comments that they like it, she responds quickly. Often times that leads to a conversation about that photo or others that she’s done, and occasionally they’ll ask to buy a print. Since we have a calibrated large format printer, it’s relatively cheap for us to print off whatever they ask, and just ship them the photo, saving us money by not having to frame it, and them money on shipping. I prefer to do things the old fashioned ways, so I never sell anything online (not that I haven’t tried). People don’t seem to be as impressed with analog photography unless they see it in person.

    When selling at local galleries, art festivals, etc., we purchase our frames from thrift stores and garage sales. I visit about 3 thrift stores a week looking for frames (and other cool stuff). Sometimes they need to be cleaned up or painted, but some naphtha and spray paint makes quick work of that. At first, the idea of using used and worn frames seems like it would hamper your sales. But after you’ve amassed a decent collection of frames, you can start to pick the right frame for each photo, and suddenly those defects turn into character. We also buy large sheets of matte board and hand cut them ourselves.

    I can’t say either one of us makes a living doing this alone. But I can say we’ve met a lot of interesting people and had a lot of fun without going broke.

    Honestly, the only people I know who make a living doing photography are those who are paid to shoot specific things. Stuff like weddings, family portraits, yearbooks, special events, products, and fashion. And even those guys (and gals) will tell you it’s more about networking and salesmanship than actually taking good photos. I’d say about half of the full time professional photographers I know are actually really good photographers. The other half just know enough to do an adequate job and market themselves. And of course, they all know how to shmooze and network.

    I’ve never met anyone who makes a living photographing stuff that they are actually passionate about. I mean, they might be passionate about doing a good job and pushing their own limitations as a photographer, but no one says “my life’s dream is to photograph 700 different seals for automotive transmissions”. All of the professional photographers I know shoot one thing for money, and something entirely different for fun.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Los Angeles

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    All right Jim, I’m going to photograph 700 seals for automotive transmissions as a passion project. You’ve inspired me!
    I’m only half kidding. I saw a Brett Weston show that included a valve body for an auto trans. As I have boxes of obsolete ZF trans parts I’m going to give it a go.
    Sorry. This in no way contributes to the selling prints online subject, but I couldn’t resist.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Del City, OK

    Re: Selling Prints Online

    Quote Originally Posted by brucetaylor View Post
    All right Jim, I’m going to photograph 700 seals for automotive transmissions as a passion project. You’ve inspired me!
    I’m only half kidding. I saw a Brett Weston show that included a valve body for an auto trans. As I have boxes of obsolete ZF trans parts I’m going to give it a go.
    Sorry. This in no way contributes to the selling prints online subject, but I couldn’t resist.
    Some of those seals and other parts in the rebuild kits were kind of cool looking, I'll admit. Especially in a macro perspective, or playing with the geometric arrangements of multiple circular seals of varying size, material, and color. In fact that wasn't just a random comment. It was based on real life events. A few years ago I did 30 photos for this company for some ads and posters (I'm a graphic designer). Then they came back to me and said they wanted to do a product catalog with pictures for everything in their entire line. I referred them to someone who does photography for a living. I have a day job and they couldn't pay me enough to waste the months worth of free time it would require for me to do all of that. Transmission seals are caked in grease, even when new! You spend more time cleaning grease than you do photographing!

    Which feeds back into my original point. Making money in photography is all about networking. I know several photographers and a job came to me that I didn't want. So I gave it to someone who I thought would and would do a good job at a fair price. Everyone walked away happy.

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