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Thread: vitriolic abuse

  1. #101
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Blue Mountains NSW

    vitriolic abuse

    Speaking of "vitriolic abuse":

    I do agree the jj's post is quite offensive, but so was Butzi's attack on me (on the pure silver list version 1) when I dared to suggest that, historically and aesthetically speaking, the Abu Ghraib pix, crudely recorded but reproduced world-wide, would become icons of universal currency as much as anything anyone of us have hoped to achieve.

    I believe that this has proved arguably to be the case.

    Paul's take on this was that I was being politically motivated. Whilst I have an opinion on this war -- my country is there too -- I suggest that Mr. Butzi devote a few hours to media studies and the power of photography in this area. (but, sigh, this did not get through last time)

    Regards - Ross

  2. #102

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Knoxville, Tennessee

    vitriolic abuse

    "A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking."


  3. #103

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    vitriolic abuse

    Not to worry, Mr. Luttmann. I am leaving. The immoderator demanded that I leave, and I will take that seriously.

    The post above was largely to see how long it took to moderate the post, and how the blocking worked, and also to suggest, as I did, that persons who wish to make comments to me can do so by private mail.

    Leaving with just this - promoting a war against untold thousands of people is the most extreme form of prejudice, and if the promoter is not putting his life on the line, then his opinion is mere posing lifestyle 'stuff'.


  4. #104
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    vitriolic abuse

    John (jj) - your post of 1/12 was allowed to remain without moderator comment because it was appropriate under the circumstances. And, you are correct - moderators don't currently have a convenient mechanism for actually blocking posts from persons who have been asked not to participate here. I don't believe the forum software design ever anticipated the need to block individual participants. While that may change with modifications to the forum software, we rely on the individual to honor the request, and/or the ability to delete individual posts.

  5. #105

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    vitriolic abuse

    John (jj) - your post of 1/12 was allowed to remain without moderator comment because it was appropriate under the circumstances.

    Perhaps I was instructed to stay away by someone I only presumed was the moderator. Who is the moderator?

  6. #106

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    vitriolic abuse

    Are you the moderator, Ralph?

    Or are you delegated to speak for him?

    I just checked, and it appears that Neil Poulsen is the moderator.

    He's the one who told me to go away. I don't have the message

    here at the moment, but that's the essense of it.

  7. #107

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    vitriolic abuse

    One click away at "Help/Guidelines/FAQ/DMCA Agent"


    Listed by order of activity:

    Neil Poulsen

    Ralph Barker

    Quang-Tuan Luong

    Rob Barker

  8. #108
    Moderator Ralph Barker's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Rio Rancho, NM

    vitriolic abuse

    Thanks for answering John's question, Sal.

    Neil is the primary moderator, but we all try to follow the same spirit, principals and procedures that Tuan established when he originally created this site. We confer extensively on major issues, in an effort to preserve the value of this LF community resource.


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