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Thread: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

  1. #11
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    I know I'm bound to hear that more than once or twice (the max height), but we considered a lot of configurations before deciding upon this one.
    It hits a sweet spot for portability, to be sure, but more importantly, the stability of the tripod is just plain awesome.
    That's the reason, in part, that we left the center post out of production. The overall stability would have been compromised somewhat, compared to a bowl configuration.
    And we're finding that a lot of our customers are simply removing the center post right away and never using it.
    Add to that we're a small company, and we simply can't make 5-6 variations on one tripod.

    Longer leg sections here would have added some minor vibration, as would a fifth section.
    I've been championing this tripod for LF/ULF because the cameras are so inherently tall, and the tripod won't prevent you from going wherever you like.
    My 6' tall friend is the owner of the Sinar in the photo above, and the tripod is just perfect for his height and the camera he uses.

  2. #12

    Join Date
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    I most definitely want one, but I'm broke.

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Ex-Seattlelite living in PNW

    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    It does look stout. At first I thought these were video sticks, because of the bowl at the top.


  4. #14

    Join Date
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    I like the height. But I'm quite short, so...

  5. #15
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    Thanks guys; it's incredibly solid, the 38mm legs are great to work with.
    Just to be clear: making the tallest possible tripod with a heavy center post assembly was not our intention this time.
    We wanted to make something that was versatile, could use a wide variety of accessories (2 bowl sizes, flat plate, ball head, video slider, etc), be strong, reliable and fit into a backpack or carry-on bag.

  6. #16

    Join Date
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    I like the weight and travel ability of it and often find that over tall tripods hinder my ability to get the lens dials just the right distance from my face to read the lens to set the f stop. I am six feet tall and need to look down about a foot away to find a sweet spot on my glasses.
    Supportive enough for very Large Format, it will travel well and be good for waist level medium finders on medium format.
    Any comments on the different size bowls and their utility?

  7. #17
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    Quote Originally Posted by cowanw View Post
    I like the weight and travel ability of it and often find that over tall tripods hinder my ability to get the lens dials just the right distance from my face to read the lens to set the f stop. I am six feet tall and need to look down about a foot away to find a sweet spot on my glasses.
    Supportive enough for very Large Format, it will travel well and be good for waist level medium finders on medium format.
    Any comments on the different size bowls and their utility?
    That's really the purpose of this tripod: portability and versatility, while being able to handle ULF-size heights and loads.
    The leveling bowl is new for us, we've never designed one before.
    We want to make sure we get the bowls right and keep costs reasonable. Our proposed designs are up on the Indiegogo site already.
    The good thing is that if some people don't find what they need in our bowls, the system will accept most other bowl systems in both 75mm and 100mm size.

  8. #18

    Join Date
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    Don't need one I just bought another Ries!

  9. #19
    Failed Bon Vivant Johnny LaRue's Avatar
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    Quote Originally Posted by Luis-F-S View Post
    Don't need one I just bought another Ries!
    Wow. Now this is why I joined the forum, to read posts like this.

    Anyway, Ari, I have kind of a noob question: I'm so new to bowls that I've only eaten out of them; thanks to your video and description, I understand these things much better now, and I can see the value in having them.
    Somewhere on your info page, you talk about "compatibility with other manufacturers" ? What other brands are compatible? Which parts are interchangeable? Bowls or adapters? Both?
    If only there were a rule book for these types of tripods.

  10. #20
    Vaughn's Avatar
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    Re: New FLM Tripod for LF/ULF

    Thanks for toning it down some, Johnny. Luis is cool. So are Rieses.

    I'll be curious to (hopefully) see the "3-section mega-tripod" mentioned if all works out well with the Berlin. Except for the weight, my Ries is a good all-around pod for a variety of terrain (I use up to 11x14). If I could easily afford a second pod, this would be an excellent would not have the versatility of the Ries, but losing 10 pounds would be nice at times. Just got back from the eastside of the Sierras, using mostly the 11x14 and a few images with the 8x10. While I did have a lot of level-ground set-ups, the extra height just comes in so handy on sloped ground or on soft ground where one loses 6 inches in height jamming the legs into the ground.

    At 6'3", I have accidentally set the 11x14 up too high with the Ries, but for most people the Berlin should be tall enough.
    "Landscapes exist in the material world yet soar in the realms of the spirit..." Tsung Ping, 5th Century China


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