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Thread: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

  1. #1
    Hack Pawlowski6132's Avatar
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    8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    So, back to shooting 8x10 after a break. I don't remember it being so hard to focus on the GG. I've used two different types today and I just can't see anything really sharp on the GG.

    I don't believe it's a function of the loupe, or my eyesight and I can't believe both GG I used are BOTH crappy (but, I guess it's possible.)

    Has anyone else run into this??

    thanx as always.

  2. #2's Avatar
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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by Pawlowski6132 View Post
    So, back to shooting 8x10 after a break. I don't remember it being so hard to focus on the GG. I've used two different types today and I just can't see anything really sharp on the GG.
    I don't believe it's a function of the loupe, or my eyesight and I can't believe both GG I used are BOTH crappy (but, I guess it's possible.)
    Has anyone else run into this??
    thanx as always.
    Yes, when I developed some kind of condition for which my doctor suggested mild boric acid eye washes. Simply, the surface of my eyes clouded with some kind of fluid. I did the treatment, and it went away. In fact, at this moment the clouding is back in a minor way and makes it difficult to see the monitor.

    You may also have experienced, hopefully, a transient neural issue. Was the ambient light unusual in any way?

    Best of luck!

  3. #3

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    Mar 2011

    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    My first ideas for troubleshooting:

    changing the lens
    washing the GG
    using a dark cloth
    checking for flare/light dropin (seals, bellows).

    Instead of a loupe, I feel more comfortable with strong reading glasses.
    Maybe you only need some diopter plus, after your break ?


  4. #4

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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    This might sound odd, but you might want to check that the elements of your loupe are screwed together well. I have a Rodenstock 4x loupe where the elements sometime get a little bit unscrewed with jostling and the like, making it impossible to focus on the GG. Just a thought...

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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by alkman View Post
    This might sound odd, but you might want to check that the elements of your loupe are screwed together well.
    !!! Good Idea !!!

  6. #6

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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    No I can focus a view camera

  7. #7
    Hack Pawlowski6132's Avatar
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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by Luis-F-S View Post
    No I can focus a view camera
    So can i. Still having a problem. Thanks for insightful comment though.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    San Joaquin Valley, California

    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    What lens is up front?
    Racking the bellows out to the equivalent focal length should get you close---could the lens elements be off?
    Is the aperture open wide for focusing?
    What were you focusing on? You might try using a printed page as a target.
    "I would feel more optimistic about a bright future for man if he spent less time proving that he can outwit Nature and more time tasting her sweetness and respecting her seniority"---EB White

  9. #9
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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    Quote Originally Posted by Pawlowski6132 View Post
    So can i. Still having a problem. Thanks for insightful comment though.


    Kent in SD
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  10. #10

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    Re: 8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap

    You asked if anyone else "has run into this"; and I answered No! Without looking through your camera/lens, I have no idea what you're doing wrong, because I and thousands of others can focus an 8x10 view camera on the ground glass! I'd start by getting my eyes, glasses, focusing loupe checked. If they're all ok, I'd then try a different lens/camera/ground glass. I don't use a focusing loupe, I use a 5x readers. Those are all the variables, but YOU are going to have to be the one to figure it out. That assumes your equipment is working as designed, but to make a statement that "8x10 Ground Glass Focus is Crap" is garbage in itself.

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