Yes, you can shoot larger formats, as you can adapt larger backs to fit...

The issue (limiting factor) will be the bellows extension when using longer FL lenses, as you (probably) will not shoot the camera on location where you could focus at infinity (with minimum extension), but you would be using it in the studio shooting close, and probably a slightly longer FL for portraits, still lifes, etc where you would need all of those bellows, or even more for a frame filling shot... That would start to be a problem with the larger the format you would go... (Remember at 1:1, you format size would be your shooting frame size, too, with longer and longer extensions (+ bellows factors) with the longer FL's...)

Larger holders will ring the $$$ bell, and there are different styles that might/might not work with the back you get...

Your "happy medium" with that camera might be 8X10, so mess with that first... ;-)

Steve K