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Thread: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$150

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Hong Kong

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Quote Originally Posted by HMG View Post
    Personally (and assuming I'd want to invest in the lens), I could live with "infinity-only" focus - but not without a reasonably accurate viewfinder. Assuming a 6x17 viewfinder is commercially available, you'd presumably need an adjustable cold shoe to mount.

    Another question I have is how film flatness is maintained. Seems to me you'd need both an effective pressure plate and tension in the film spools.
    thank you very much for your advice, since it is a DIY concept and very very low cost production (not massive production too). i think custom modification is acceptable. I using iphone as light meter and view finder(with guess), tripod indicator to make balance. demonstrate photos all without any other auxiliary. of cause if the budget okay, i am willing to fulfil both you mentioned features in final product. thx again

  2. #12

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    Dec 2001

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Every large format lens also having a flange focal distance announce by the manufacturer, This distance figure is their minimum length of each lens. Keep the lens rear and the film apart according to this distance. The image will be distinct clear. It is great for landscape shooting.
    Mick, published FFDs are fictions. They are true for an ideal realization of the lens' design, not for actual lenses as produced. It isn't safe to assume that the lens in hand matches the ideal realization.

    The key to taking excellent photos with our low-priced camera is accurate adjustment of the distance between the film and the lens rear, The wooden board and auxiliary parts ( 0.2mm~10mm ) can be used to adjust the distance between the lens and the film. (picture #2 on reply of the thread)
    This is true for all cameras. You might want to address the problem by making spacers that are slightly thinner than needed for the published FFD and including a template to be used for cutting shims (paper? thin brass?) for final adjustment.

    The translucent tracing paper included in the DIY Kit is used to simulate the film and used to help align the position for a clear image. It is important to do it right during the camera assembly. For better result, you can use a magnifying glass to help with the alignment.
    Does the tracing paper lie exactly where the film will?

    The project offers an extra focus tube"617diy Adjustable focusing Set"(optional from US$100)
    because different lens produce different focal distance range, we provide 6 different focus tube for numerous lenses, Combines our optional 617diy adjustable focusing set, The camera can be used to shoot at close range (e.g. 3m~12m), Set the focus ring to adjust the focal distance.
    Is the focusing tube actually a set of concentric tubes? If so, what guarantees that as the tube(s) is/are extended the lens' axis will stay perpendicular to the film plane?

  3. #13

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Hong Kong

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    hello Dan:

    thank you for your advise, my kickstarter project is a low cost project, it isn't a professional production, it is a DIY concept,, But I wish I can fulfill the requests as i can do it.

    1. <<published FFDs are fictions>> i took photo, developed film 3 times, after 2 times tiny adjustment, to got the better result, that you may saw the demonstrate photos on my kickstarter page. a lot of 0.2mm, 0.5mm, 1mm, cutting paper/auxiliary parts is included for adjustment.

    2. <<This is true for all cameras?> appropriate lenses list shows on my kickstarter page. please find it if you really interest in it.

    3. <<Does the tracing paper lie exactly where the film will?>> its not 1000%, but 99.9%. film is little bit thicker, its easy to simulate.

    4. <<extended the lens' axis will stay perpendicular to the film plane?>> its not 1000%, but 99.9%. but I can not guarantees work 100% work with each lens, before ship to my backers. , I just make sure its work with my lens, in case it happened. I will fix the problem with my backers.

    since it is a DIY concept and very very low cost production (not massive production too). i think user custom modification is acceptable. thx again

  4. #14

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Mick, re-posting here some of the points that we have been discussing on facebook, since there's a better chance to get meaningful answers here from the experts of LF. I would appreciate if folks here continue this debate to understand this system better. I am all for little custom modifications in the camera that could lead to better results. I am more interested in the 624 version of this camera after getting a very heavy quote from Fotoman China and Mick agreed to make me one. I have similar questions that others have asked before me. I would rephrase them for Mick and others to discuss and shed some light on.

    If there's no viewfinder, how is one supposed to see and compose a scene ? Can a viewfinder from a company like Fotoman be used with this camera for a specific lens ? Fotoman China gave me a quote earlier for the viewfinder, $150.

    Focusing too has got me confused and I am afraid I couldn't fully understand how it works so I want to learn more. If you can't see through the lens, how are you supposed to focus on the scene ? In your opinion, can the Fotoman Helical Focuser (very expensive around $320) and ground glass ($100) be used on this camera ? Fotoman also has a rangefinder ($180), how can that help on this camera (if it can) ?

    How long a lens can be used on a 624 version of this camera (300mm/400mm) ? Any large format lens with big enough image circle for 624 would work as long as the flange distance is correctly adjusted during assemble.

    I myself am a newbie to LF so am sure there will be more questions on this with time.

    Faisal` .

  5. #15

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    Seattle WA

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Mick can reply on his own but from my understanding it is fixed focus... You use the tracing paper and shims to set the focus at infinity. I would be concerned about depth of field with a long lens. With a 150mm (approximately normal at 4x5) lens at f16, making maximum use of hyperfocal distance by setting the focus at say 100ft and letting infinity blur very slightly, you might get an acceptably sharp image from 70 feet to infinity. With a 350mm lens this is more like 400 feet to infinity. And you will need 400 speed film or faster to handhold at that aperture even with the small lens. At 300 you are going to need a tripod IMHO. I think this is really going to a fairly short lens to work.

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  6. #16

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    Seattle WA

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Quote Originally Posted by Nukatpiat View Post
    Mick can reply on his own but from my understanding it is fixed focus... You use the tracing paper and shims to set the focus at infinity. I would be concerned about depth of field with a long lens. With a 150mm (approximately normal at 4x5) lens at f16, making maximum use of hyperfocal distance by setting the focus at say 100ft and letting infinity blur very slightly, you might get an acceptably sharp image from 70 feet to infinity. With a 350mm lens this is more like 400 feet to infinity. And you will need 400 speed film or faster to handhold at that aperture even with the small lens. At 300 you are going to need a tripod IMHO. I think this is really going to a fairly short lens to work.

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
    If you were going to add the helicoid focusing, ground glass etc, why not purchase a used press camera or small monorail? I think you could buy a complete setup for less than you might put something like this together for...

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk

  7. #17

    Re: Can i Introduce my 617 Camera DIY kit, crowdfunding now at kickstarter from US$15

    Quote Originally Posted by Nukatpiat View Post
    If you were going to add the helicoid focusing, ground glass etc, why not purchase a used press camera or small monorail? I think you could buy a complete setup for less than you might put something like this together for...

    Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
    Hello Nukatpiat, thanks for the reply. I plan to make it a tripod only setup for serious panoramic work and hand-holding has never been my intention with it. I want to use a standard normal (50mm, 135 equivalent) and/or a short telephoto (60-90mm, 135 eqv.) lens for this work to capture the grandeur of the mountain landscapes on a 6x24 panoramic slide. I use the same focal lengths with my digital FF setup and make use of stitching to make such panos but that stitching technique is very fatiguing and most of the times the scene and changes in lighting don't allow that so a proper single exposure is vital.

    You're right, I am looking for a setup that I can use with ease, consistency and reliability in the field and for that I am willing to pick random parts from different sources (provided the total cost is reasonable) and since I am new to LF, I am also open to other suggestions and recommendations that could work better in my case. I will have to import each and everything (I am based in Pakistan) that I buy so everything needs to be 'right', since there won't be any margin for return/replacement. You suggested a press camera or a monorail camera, could you please elaborate a bit more on that ? I assume you mean a 8x10 camera ? Are there any 6x24 roll film backs available for 8x10 ? Wouldn't it be too big for frequent field use ? I might be missing on something, please enlighten me.

    Faisal` .

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