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Thread: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

  1. #1

    Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    Needed for some about 1:1 repro work. Thought about using Apo Germinar W lens(es).
    Space is rather limited, so wide angle lenses preferred.

    Any other recommendations?
    Klaus for macro and special lens info for UV Images and lens/filter info my UV diary

  2. #2

    Re: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    I have a 480mm Schneider that will do the job

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    Re: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    210/11 and 270/11 G-Claron-WA both cover 800 mm at 1:1. Brochure here:

    So will the 260/10 Process Nikkor, also sold as 260/10 Nikkor-Q.

    Good luck finding any of them quickly.

    Otherwise, in the process lens line 480/9 Apo-Nikkor and 480/9 Apo-Ronar are your best bets.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Bellingham, WA (displaced Canadian)

    Re: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    Good luck finding any of them quickly.
    There's been a G Claron 270mm f/11 on the auction site for the past six months just sitting there waiting for a buyer..

  5. #5

    Re: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan Fromm View Post
    210/11 and 270/11 G-Claron-WA both cover 800 mm at 1:1. Brochure here:

    So will the 260/10 Process Nikkor, also sold as 260/10 Nikkor-Q.

    Good luck finding any of them quickly.

    Otherwise, in the process lens line 480/9 Apo-Nikkor and 480/9 Apo-Ronar are your best bets.
    Thanks Dan, I knew you would know something useful! ;-)

    A project for year 2017, so I have time....
    Klaus for macro and special lens info for UV Images and lens/filter info my UV diary

  6. #6

    Re: Recommend ULF lens with some 800mm image circle

    Quote Originally Posted by peter schrager View Post
    I have a 480mm Schneider that will do the job
    I need shorter working distance, so I prefer WA lenses.
    Klaus for macro and special lens info for UV Images and lens/filter info my UV diary

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