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Thread: Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

  1. #1
    Doug Dolde

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    Has anyone used the Beseler Negaflat film holder with Fuji Quickload film? I know the QL film is a bit off the standard 4x5 sheet film size..smaller I think.

    I am wondering if its size allows proper gripping and tensioning by the holder.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 1999
    San Clemente, California

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    I've not used a Negaflat with any film, but haven't noticed that Acros, whether Quickload or loose sheets, is other than standard '4x5' size. The only apparent difference is that small drying hook hole.

  3. #3
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    I have not tried it I will this evening. I have both.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

  4. #4

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    I have a negaflat - I don't use Quickloads, but . . .The negaflat has been giving me fits in thatI align my Beseler MCR 45 with a laser. With the negative stage aligned perfectly with either 35 or 2 1/4 carriers the negaflat is out of alignment. It, the negaflat, is not flat! So I have been fooling around shimming it (only very close) and thinking about taking it apart to try to flatten the sheet metal. Anybody have any further thoughts?

  5. #5

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    What makes you think that quickload film is a different size from normal 4x5 film?

    The Fuji quickload film I've used (Neopan 100, and Acros 100, and a small amount of Astia and Provia) all seemed to be the same size as the Kodak sheet film (both regular and quickload).

    I just measured a sheet of Acros 100 (from a quickload) and it's so close in length and width that I can't measure the difference relative to a sheet of TMX (both a sheet from a box, and a readyload sheet).

    Are you talking about thickness? I would be surprised if Quickloads sheets were on a different base from the normal Fuji sheet films.

  6. #6
    Doug Dolde

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    Maybe I have a bad Negaflat. It won't hold QL and that's all I have. (for a Leafscan 45)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    San Francisco Bay Area

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    Hi Doug,

    I once used the negaflat and found it gouged my film, especially after repeated uses. I use a saunders glass negative carrier with no problems, and the film stays flat.
    You might be using a more updated model of the negaflat, but be careful, and try glass!


  8. #8
    Kirk Gittings's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Albuquerque, Nuevo Mexico

    Beseler Negaflat and Quickload Film

    "I once used the negaflat and found it gouged my film, especially after repeated uses."

    It does, that is how it pulls the film flat. But it is at the extreme edges of the long side of the film. I have used one for 25 years and never lost any image area that I needed. Glass, at least in the SW, just adds two more levels of dust.

    Some negaflats develope a bow to them which can be straightened out with some careful bending.

    at age 73:
    "The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
    But I have promises to keep,
    And miles to go before I sleep,
    And miles to go before I sleep"

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