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Thread: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    Hi all,

    I'm getting pretty desperate here... I've got an Epson V700 I'm scanning 8x10" negatives on. And whatever I do I get newton rings. I'm doing emulsion side both up and down... I've tried 2 different ANR-glass in all sorts of directions... But I'm ending up with newton rings either way. And, the wetscan tray from Epson is too small for 8x10". Did anyone succeed in getting rid of these rings with this kind of scanner? Or do I have to save up for a drum scanner? Considering the price on those that might take a while.


  2. #2
    Unwitting Thread Killer Ari's Avatar
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    Ottawa, Canada

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    Is it colour negative film? The Epsons have always been problematic with colour films, but I would also get Newton rings with the occasional B&W neg.
    The film is never flat on Epsons and the shinier colour films add to the problem.
    Have you tried wet mounting directly to the scanner bed? I never tried it, but know of some here who do that successfully.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    Make an 8x10 negative holder out of plastic or mat board, and tape the neg to the improvised neg holder. Use the "film area guide" setting and your neg holder should fit neatly within that frame.

  4. #4
    Drew Wiley
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    SF Bay area, CA

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    You can also try anti-Newton sprays marketed by the same outfit that make scanning fluid. Don't spray directly on the film. You spray a mist into the air beneath
    a fume hood and swipe the film through the mist. It can be cleaned off afterwards (yeah, another headache).

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    I wet mount my 8x10 B&W negs directly on to the glass bed of my Epson 1680 Pro and I've never seen any Newton Rings after hundreds of scans. I suppose the only other way to eliminate them is to build a custom film holders as djdister suggests. A couple of possible issues I see what that idea is proper focus by the scanner and sag of the negative in the holder due to the large film area.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    I have 4x5 but simply taping negs to the glass (Epson 750) eliminated the problem for me.

  7. #7

    Join Date
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    Tucson AZ

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    If you use the Film Area Guide setting, they expect that the film is directly on the scanner glass.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    Hi all, and thanks for the response,

    My worst problems are with Portra 160, but I also get them with Ektar. I use the Film Area Guide setting and put the film directly on the scanner glass. I have considered but not yet tried wet mounting directly on the scanner bed... I worry about leaks and damaging the scanner. I might give it ago though. Alan9940, do you do any adjustments on the scanner to make sure its sealed... or anything similar... or do you just fill up the scanner bed with fluid... so to speak?

    If taping the negs to the glass works with 4x5 it should also work with 8x10 I suppose... And this sounds like the least headache... I assume wetscanning also implies cleaning the negative afterwards just like when using a spray (I've never tried either)... I suppose wet scanning is convenient when it comes to dealing with dust.

    Did any of you try any drum scanning? I suppose this is the only other sort of scanner that can scan 8x10"? I know its a different price range but maybe they are (I hope) about to become cheaper... I'm not so keen to spend more money on a scanner than what my camera cost.


  9. #9

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Andrada View Post
    If you use the Film Area Guide setting, they expect that the film is directly on the scanner glass.
    That may be the expectation, however I have gotten sharp results with the Film Area Guide setting and a 5x7 negative sitting in a home made mat board neg carrier, sitting inside the film area guide.

  10. #10
    Randy's Avatar
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    Virginia, USA

    Re: Newton rings on scanned 8x10" negatives

    From my experience: the emulsion side of some films have a more - or stronger - matte appearance. Those films are much less prone to newton rings. The emulsion side of some films is more of a "semi gloss" appearance. Those films are more prone to newton rings.
    I have read that making sure the film has had sufficient time to completely dry after processing helps. I wonder if before scanning, hit the sheet of film and the scanner glass with a hair dryer (on low) for a minute will help ensure there is very low moisture on the surfaces. May be worth a try.

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