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Thread: 4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    Am currently in Cambodia, then on to Thailand again, shooting with both a Canon 1dsmk2 and an Ebony and a Betterlight scanning back (as well as their pano adapter)

    i've started a blog as i've been travelling.. images are pretty much straight from the cameras right now, and will need some more work when i get back, but

    the Color IR images are taken without the normal IR blocking filter. the pano's are with the panao adapter and are up to 26,000x6000 pixels

    i'll add more as i get them


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2001

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    I'm sure that the images are wonderful and unique. But they're so big that it's a total waste for me to bother with them. And have a nice trip.
    Wilhelm (Sarasota)

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    ok. a warning.. images are 1280 in width. if you can't handle large images, then don't go to the link

    personally, i rarely see anything in images that are less then 1024 on the web... escpecially from large format work. there's little to seperate them from a 1Mp cell phone camera.


  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    I think they are wonderful. While it is always helpful to warn people who might be on a dial-up or small monitor, I have to thank you for providing such luxuriously large images than I can tell the difference -- that they weren't made with a cell phone.

    I hope no jerks rip them off...

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    i'm not as worried in getting them ripped off. most of what i sell is printed at 16x20 or larger (up to 40x40), or i make negatives for platinum printing.


  6. #6
    Doug Dolde

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    Fantastic shots Jim.

  7. #7

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    Thanks for the update Jim. Superb shots. I was just reading about Mark Dubovoy, in the March/April issue of Photo Techniques. He tested an early model of the Better Light Super 6K-HS scanning back. He feels it delivers more detail and is also noticeably sharper than an 8x10 transparency. I'll be interest in getting some crops from this to verify myself.

    Keep us up to date Jim.

  8. #8
    Founder QT Luong's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 1997
    San Jose, CA

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    I particularly like the panoramics. I hope you will write something about the logistics of working there as well. By the way, I assume the image with the monks was made with the Canon ?

  9. #9

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    I now have your blog in my favorites. Beautiful shots. One of the places I dream about going to. Just so the dream doesn't have me landing in Vietnam again.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2002

    4x5 Betterlight images from Angkor Wat

    well.. it used to be a lot harder with the big Sony monitors.. but now with the LCD's it's an easier lift.



    (have to agree.. there's nothing like holding up a chrome to a window... which is why i still take film along with me as well as the digital)

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