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Thread: Risk of fungus

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Risk of fungus

    Hello everyone. New user here on the forums as I'm about to move into 5x4 film photography, and need a bit of advice before I do.

    I am in the UK and have found a good shop with a knowledgeable proprietor, and good prices.

    For sale is a MPP field camera, complete with a lens "showing signs of fungus". My plan is to remove that lens, and replace it with a lens not showing sign of fungus.

    The camera apparently shows no signs of fungus, but my question to you guys is this: if the camera has been stored with a lens showing signs of fungus, is that camera a risk to clean lenses, even if it is not currently showing signs of a fungus invasion?

    I do not want to take a stupid risk and ruin a bunch of lenses, but nor do I want to miss an absolute bargain if I'm over-worrying on the issue.

    I plan to use a clear plastic box for storage, stored in a bedroom that is kept heated, and place silica gel in the box as a precaution. That aside, being a field camera, it will be used outside and outside in this country is often not so dry.

    Your thoughts would be appreciated, especially since I really need to conclude the deal in the morning if I possibly can.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Re: Risk of fungus

    I am not familiar with your climate, but the fungus in the lens is not likely to infect the camera body.
    When I lived in a more humid climate I kept each of my lenses in small plastic boxes so there was never any danger of fungus passing from one to the other while stored..

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Brazil - Rio Grande do Sul

    Re: Risk of fungus

    I would give a detailed clean and 1 week of un-direct sunbath to the body as well, and advice for never storing the lens attached to the camera as well, it's more easy to have a controlled temp and humidity box for a bunch of lenses then for a bunch of camera + lenses.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Re: Risk of fungus

    Jim Noel: I was hoping someone might say that!

    RSalles: I plan to give it a clean. I'm currently researching anti-fungal liquids. Having said that, it looks pristine judging by the photos.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2010
    St. Louis, Mo.

    Re: Risk of fungus

    If the camera looks fine then don't worry about it. Just don't store your camera or lenses in your English Castle's dark, dank dungeon!

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