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Thread: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

  1. #21
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Dec 2011

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Quote Originally Posted by blindpig View Post
    Randy it's a good idea to have a shield over your flash gun,BELIEVE ME ! I had an assignment to photograph a coral group entertaining diners in a company cafeteria just before Christmas.It was myself and two assistants and I was using a 4X5 graphic with a flashgun attached.The assistants were holding extension flashguns connected to mine with cords,spaced about 8' to 10' either side of me and we all three were loaded with number 22 bulbs( about the size of 250 watt incandescent light bulbs).Everyone was enjoying their meals and the music when I attempted the shot...There was the sound a 12 gauge shotgun might make going off inside the room and the glass envelope of my bulb was describing an arc over three or four dining tables between me and the stage with glowing coils of filament streaming out behind.Needless to say the music stopped instantly as well as food being transferred from plate to mouth. Quietly, we gathered up our equipment and slunk out.By the way the picture was great.
    Notice my cover.
    Tin Can

  2. #22

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    Louisville, KY

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Really stupid do you focus an LF camera for a selfie...?

    I tried to use a plumb bob but I couldn't quite get it.
    My flickr stream

  3. #23
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Quote Originally Posted by rbultman View Post
    Really stupid do you focus an LF camera for a selfie...?

    I tried to use a plumb bob but I couldn't quite get it.
    Timer and string.
    Tin Can

  4. #24

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    Louisville, KY

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    I get that a timer and string work for releasing the shutter, but how does that work with focusing?
    My flickr stream

  5. #25
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    I put a light stand right next to were I will sit and make a string to reach from my eyebrow to camera, then I move the stand, sit down, trip the timer, check my string focus, drop the string and bingo.
    Tin Can

  6. #26

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Quote Originally Posted by rbultman View Post
    I get that a timer and string work for releasing the shutter, but how does that work with focusing?
    You use a dummy, and Randy is no dummy XD

    The string is for focusing: you put a dummy and focus on that. Use a string to note the distance. Then position yourself where the dummy was, and make sure the string is at that length...

  7. #27

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    Louisville, KY

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Nice. Thanks guys.
    My flickr stream

  8. #28

    Join Date
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    SW missouri

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Sorry Randy, Guess I couldn't help my self when some folks started talking about exploding bulbs,had to share that experience.I'll try to keep anecdotes to myself and not steal a good thread.

  9. #29
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Quote Originally Posted by blindpig View Post
    Sorry Randy, Guess I couldn't help my self when some folks started talking about exploding bulbs,had to share that experience.I'll try to keep anecdotes to myself and not steal a good thread.
    It's OK, your warning is a possibility.

    A lot of things we do as reenactors is soon to be banned, litigated or otherwise eliminated.

    Flash bulbs in a dry forest could start a fire, flash bulbs while filling a car with gasoline is also a major problem!

    There are new consumer chemical laws coming to USA which will slow down or end access to photographic chemistry.

    We are nearly extinct on many levels.

    I am very happy to be 65 and will enjoy my last moments doing what may soon be the hysterical past.
    Tin Can

  10. #30

    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Dunedin,Otago,New Zealand

    Re: LF Studio Flashbulbs last night: Selfish images

    Those constructions are excellent. If your artistic friend runs out of dead flashbulbs,you could introduce her to radio valves.
    Essentially similar, but amazing levels of internal complexity.
    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Moe View Post
    Thanks Peter, I actually have secondary use for used flashbulbs. a close friend uses them in her sculpture. She wants all I produce, Here is her work, but she prefers the interesting shapes of used ones.

    Attachment 132992

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