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Thread: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    Just testing the waters. I've been looking to reduce the weight of my kit and can get both of these at the same sort of price. The nikkor is like new, the kowa is the model that has the smaller image circle (there are two models, see other threads). Do people shooting, or having shot, both of these, prefer one over the other? If so, why?

  2. #2
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    The GK f9 has a massive IC; much bigger than the Nikkor. There is the Computar Symmetrigon that is faster but has a smaller IC. I'm not sure where you're seeing information contrary to this.

    Another alternative is the cheaper G Claron 210mm. Another lightweight lens with a big IC.

    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    Hi Lachlan, thanks for the reply. I've been testing process lenses and agree that the g-clarons are great! The computar is stellar, the kowa 210 has two versions with different ICs. Thr biggest difference besides the IC is that the nikkor is a modern lens, coated for color work. The alternatives are not. I mainly shoot 5x7 so coverage is ok on all. On anything over 5x7 I prefer 240 and 300mm.

  4. #4
    Do or do not. There is no try.
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    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    The Nikkor-M doesn't have much margin for movements on 5x7, Nikon quotes a 210mm image circle at f/22. I don't know if actual coverage is larger, but you may be better off with any of the others mentioned.

  5. #5

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    Mar 2015

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    Good afternoon Steve,

    Thanks for chiming in. From experience with other nikkor lenses I have tested, it seems like the IC is slightly larger as the focal plain gets closer. Of course it's impossible, but I'm dreaming of the best of all worlds... 5x7 coverage and modern coating for 4x5 work on velvia. The priority is a bit of a tricky one. As of late, my favourite 5x7 kit to "do it all", includes a 120, 210 and 300mm lens. For 4x5 this changes to 90, 150, 210mm. In 5x7 I mainly shoot B&W, in 4x5 mainly slide film. As a result, I have different lenses in the two kits, however, it would be great to have a lightweight 200-210 that does it all. For general purpose and close to the car sort of work I have a 210 apo symmar, which is great.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Washington, DC

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    The 210 Graphic-Kowa is my "do-it-all" lens for 4x5 and 8x10. I regularly shoot velvia with the G-K, and even though it is single coated, I have seen never seen the G-K's color rendition suffer compared to the EBC Fujis

  7. #7

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    Jan 2007

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    if you have buy a Nikkor M , you're getting just a Tessar. a G-Claron 210mm f 9 would be a better choice, better than the bulky Kowa 210 ( which is a pain to shutter), and it covers more.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    Washington, DC

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    Perhaps you're thinking of the Kowa 305mm in the Copal 3S, but the Kowa 210 screws directly into a Copal 1. Tiny lens, huge image circle, all around great performer.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    grand rapids

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    210mm fujinon-w. look no further.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    South Texas

    Re: Nikkor M 200mm 8 versus Graphic Kowa 210mm

    Just to throw another option in... I bought a late model 203mm Ektar in Compur shutter but this is for a 4x5 kit. If I was shooting 5x7 and wanted to save bulk and weight then I'd surely get a 210 G-K / Kyvytar / Computar because I want plenty of room for movements. BTW, in case you're interested, the 150mm G-K / Computar nearly covers 8x10 straight on at infinity, just nipping the corners.

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