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Thread: Bellows from Tokyophoto

  1. #11

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    Apr 2012
    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    I just got and installed a red bellows for deardorff 8X10. As a word of advisory, i bought the red bellows because it thought it will look cool - and it looks oh so cool indeed, however, the material is not as high tech and cool as the black stuff they make. I am not sure why, it is slightly thicker and and has more fine corners/edges on the pleats.

    Do i like it - hell yeah, will install another red bellows in the future? I am not so sure.

  2. #12
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    I received today, one of the "high-tech" black bellows.........I HATE IT. The workmanship is good, but the material is terrible. Although it is thin, it is very stiff making crisp folds impossible. I am not even sure there even any stiffeners in this bellows.....I am clamping it between boards to try to squash it flat enough to even fit into my V8....not sure it will ever fit, so fat, and wants to expand at any opportunity, like a seedling going to the sun. self supporting great, no sag, great....but the camera needs to fold !

    So sorry I took a chance varying from Custom Bellows UK, I was in a hurry and it was in stock....cold comfort when it's not usable, I have a client halfway across the globe that needs a working camera ASAP. MOST DECIDEDLY NOT THE BEST BELLOWS MONEY CAN BUY. I don't think I will EVER try anybody else again as long as Custom Bellows is in business. Bitterly Disappointed.
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  3. #13

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    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    I received today, one of the "high-tech" black bellows.........I HATE IT. The workmanship is good, but the material is terrible. Although it is thin, it is very stiff making crisp folds impossible. I am not even sure there even any stiffeners in this bellows.....I am clamping it between boards to try to squash it flat enough to even fit into my V8....not sure it will ever fit, so fat, and wants to expand at any opportunity, like a seedling going to the sun. self supporting great, no sag, great....but the camera needs to fold !

    So sorry I took a chance varying from Custom Bellows UK, I was in a hurry and it was in stock....cold comfort when it's not usable, I have a client halfway across the globe that needs a working camera ASAP. MOST DECIDEDLY NOT THE BEST BELLOWS MONEY CAN BUY. I don't think I will EVER try anybody else again as long as Custom Bellows is in business. Bitterly Disappointed.
    Ill take it off your hands.
    At less then half the price, and a fraction of the work (frames are included), i am happy to live without stiffners, which are not needed, as the bellows stays in place, is flexible, and folds inside the camera with no pressure.

  4. #14

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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Indeed, modern bellows are often constructed without so called stiffeners. The material is "self supporting". Makes the production easier and cheaper without sacrificing the quality.

  5. #15

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    Dec 2014

    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    I received today, one of the "high-tech" black bellows.........I HATE IT. The workmanship is good, but the material is terrible. Although it is thin, it is very stiff making crisp folds impossible. I am not even sure there even any stiffeners in this bellows.....I am clamping it between boards to try to squash it flat enough to even fit into my V8....not sure it will ever fit, so fat, and wants to expand at any opportunity, like a seedling going to the sun. self supporting great, no sag, great....but the camera needs to fold !
    When you order bellows you need to specify the minimum pressed dimension you need - the bellows material is often-time chosen accordingly. Sharp folds are no advantage - they can cause pinholes later.

  6. #16
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Guys, this was sold as a bellows for a V8. The dimensions are known. You should not have to stand on the bellows to get it to fit in the camera. I've handled a camera or two and I know when something is not right.
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  7. #17
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Tokyophoto bellows is half the price, not less than half.Taking into consideration shipping my frames to England and having the complete bellows shipped back.
    Maybe the bellows you got from Tokyophoto "folds inside the camera with no pressure" but the one I received wouldn't fit even with substantial pressure. I have another friend who got a red V8 bellows from TP and likes it, as you like yours, so, I am posting to say at least YMMV with this vendor.

    Quote Originally Posted by koh303 View Post
    Ill take it off your hands.
    At less then half the price, and a fraction of the work (frames are included), i am happy to live without stiffners, which are not needed, as the bellows stays in place, is flexible, and folds inside the camera with no pressure.
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

  8. #18

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    Boston, MA, USA

    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    Tokyophoto bellows is half the price, not less than half.Taking into consideration shipping my frames to England and having the complete bellows shipped back.
    Maybe the bellows you got from Tokyophoto "folds inside the camera with no pressure" but the one I received wouldn't fit even with substantial pressure. I have another friend who got a red V8 bellows from TP and likes it, as you like yours, so, I am posting to say at least YMMV with this vendor.
    Actually i have already bought 5. One was red, which i did not like due to the thicker material.
    How long does it take you to transfer the frames? Custom bellows do no frame work last time i checked with them, has this changed?
    Just that is worth more then double the price as these come with frames ready made and you need to do is put the screws back in.

  9. #19

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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Quote Originally Posted by Tracy Storer View Post
    Maybe the bellows you got from Tokyophoto "folds inside the camera with no pressure" but the one I received wouldn't fit even with substantial pressure. I have another friend who got a red V8 bellows from TP and likes it, as you like yours, so, I am posting to say at least YMMV with this vendor.
    A crucial question - did you contact the vendor to see what he has to say about the problem? Would be interesting to know his side of the story, me thinks.

  10. #20
    Tracy Storer's Avatar
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    Re: Bellows from Tokyophoto

    Custom Bellows has mounted the bellows on my frames on every one of my orders (a dozen or more orders over the last decade?) except for one, they were worried the frames would be lost in the shuffle when they were re-organizing. They have started adding a small charge for the mounting service in the last year or so.

    Quote Originally Posted by koh303 View Post
    Actually i have already bought 5. One was red, which i did not like due to the thicker material.
    How long does it take you to transfer the frames? Custom bellows do no frame work last time i checked with them, has this changed?
    Just that is worth more then double the price as these come with frames ready made and you need to do is put the screws back in.
    Tracy Storer
    Mammoth Camera Company tm

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