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Thread: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

  1. #21
    robertrose's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    I think Hueless is around $3 on the App Store. Preview (what I call it today) will be priced competitively.
    Robert Rose

  2. #22
    robertrose's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Well, hold on there. This is taking an MS in Imaging Science from RIT, a BS in Physics, and a lifetime of walking through heat, snow, on trains, planes, and automobiles to create. The equations are not at all trivial. I am already merging analog and digital by making traditional negatives and scanning them. So what if I help someone get the result they are looking for? And, there is a ton of thinking necessary for good composition.
    Robert Rose

  3. #23
    CropDusterMan's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    I don't know about the rest of you, but when I take the time to shoot LF, the last thing I want to hear from
    anyone is about another APP. Jeez.

  4. #24
    robertrose's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jody_S View Post
    If the price were low, and it were available in Android, I might go for it. Especially if you build in exposure & film type to output a projected histogram. Building in Zone system would be a functional equivalent, I suppose.
    Noted. The big news is that Apple is taking over the world with golden handcuffs. The new language (Swift), developer platform (Xcode) and operating system level camera controls (iOS 8) is making it easier to do interesting things for cameras on iOS devices, while discouraging ports to Android. Also, the multiplicity of Android flavors and manufacturer differences complicates things. But, Android represents a huge market.
    Robert Rose

  5. #25
    Tin Can's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    I just bought Hueless, $2.00, why not? Mostly because it's iPod 4 Touch iOS 5, and I'm not moving to any higher Apple candy. Heck I don't want a cell phone, but I do have a Droid just to talk to my brother and call for urban ambulance.

    I used the iPod as phone for years, my brothers pays $10 for the Droid bill or I wouldn't have it. He gets lonely. So I talk to him. I use email for all other communication. Don't try my doorbell, it doesn't work.

    So if you make an app that works with iOS 5 or Droid, I would buy it, but that's 1 sale.

    I suggest you make something that millions want. I might buy that too!
    Tin Can

  6. #26

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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by lecarp View Post
    From the above "The advantage is that you don't have to think" and therein lies the problem. There is far to little thinking being done.
    You know what I meant, I meant that you don't have to think about things that really have nothing to do with making a good image and really have to do with the technical side of things, that way you can focus all of your mental work on the image itself the composition, if you should even take the picture at all, those kinds of things.

    I use the reciprocity timer app all the time, it's efficient, works excellently, has tons of film options, is customizable, and that way when I'm in the field I can plug in the numbers and it will tell me what my final exposure should be. I'm still metering the scene and deciding on how I want everything to look and how my national exposure it would be, all it does is help me with the bellows extension math as well as the filter factor math, of course the reciprocity calculations, all three combined are pretty mentally cumbersome and add in so many unnecessary possibilities for errors, so that app saves me a lot of time, and a lot of mistakes are saved by allowing it to do all the math for me.

    It doesn't take away from the satisfaction of creating a good image, nor does it take away from the fact that I'm still creating the image still composing the image still choosing the exposure that I think would be best, and developing and processing it all by hand and when I get my darkroom up and running soon, I'll be printing as well.

    This new app that's being suggested seems wonderful to me, not having to set up the camera tripod level make it the right height, add the right lens, only to discover that the image doesn't look very good, or it needs a different focal length, then you have to take out that lens but the lens caps back on put the cable release from one to the other lens then take those lens caps off then install that lens then adjust the Bellows extension again and refocus for the different focal length lens then realize that your tripod should be 1 foot lower and have to move it down. All this time fiddling around when you could simply have taken out an app and framed up your shot moved around until you found the proper composition and then set up your tripod and use the right lens from the beginning.

    Just about saving time and then being able to possibly actually make even more beautiful images rather than killing all of your time doing lots of unnecessary work.

  7. #27
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by robertrose View Post
    I think Hueless is around $3 on the App Store. Preview (what I call it today) will be priced competitively.
    $1.99 I think.

    My elderly iPhone 4 non-S (awaiting tax refund and some odds and ends to spend before upgrading but soon) is so full of memory I need to delete some unused crap before adding much, but I like the looks of it. Well worth a two dollar gamble.

    Would try out the OP's software too when available. Minus the "don't have to think" stuff I see Stone's point as a good way to find new views and such with minimal moving of the big camera. No compunctions here about using tools that make life easier!

  8. #28
    Roger Cole's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by robertrose View Post
    Noted. The big news is that Apple is taking over the world with golden handcuffs. The new language (Swift), developer platform (Xcode) and operating system level camera controls (iOS 8) is making it easier to do interesting things for cameras on iOS devices, while discouraging ports to Android. Also, the multiplicity of Android flavors and manufacturer differences complicates things. But, Android represents a huge market.
    I have a personal iPhone and work Android. I HATE the Android in comparison. If I wanted to take the time to become an expert with my phone it might be ok, but I don't. The iPhone is much better from a "just pick the thing up and use it" perspective. Also, whether the problem is with the developers or the platform, I have several of the same aps for both and the Android version is ALWAYS somehow inferior, in spite of the larger screen on my Android.

    I'd really like to like Android, if for no other reason than freeing me from the tyrannical tortures of iTunes [only the worst software ever written in the history of computers.] But I can't manage to like it, so I put up with iTunes.

  9. #29

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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Cole View Post
    I have a personal iPhone and work Android. I HATE the Android in comparison. If I wanted to take the time to become an expert with my phone it might be ok, but I don't. The iPhone is much better from a "just pick the thing up and use it" perspective. Also, whether the problem is with the developers or the platform, I have several of the same aps for both and the Android version is ALWAYS somehow inferior, in spite of the larger screen on my Android.

    I'd really like to like Android, if for no other reason than freeing me from the tyrannical tortures of iTunes [only the worst software ever written in the history of computers.] But I can't manage to like it, so I put up with iTunes.
    If it helps any, I agree with your assessment of iTunes (what was apple thinking?) and I'm not a fan of "subscribing" to things, but iTunes Match has been a blessing, and I highly recommend it! $25/year and no more iTunes Syncing or storing any music on my phone, it's great.

  10. #30
    AlexGard's Avatar
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    Re: Would This Virtual View Camera App Idea Interest Anyone?

    I can't wait to have an app that composes, chooses a lens and filter, takes the photo and prints it for me so I don't even have to leave the house. Someone should work on that.

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