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Thread: Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board


    I'm about to get a Fujinon 210mm CM-W for my Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic. This lens requires a 110mm Copal #1 board. My 110mm Copal #0 boards all have a ridge in the back, that falls in place on the camera. The 110mm Copal #1 board 091000.3 seems to lack this ridge, removing some extra light protection. Would anybody know off this matter?



  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hampton, VA

    Re: Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board


    I've got lots of Arca-Swiss 110mm boards (the ones with rounded corners), in all three shutter sizes, and all of them have the ridge on the back to form the light seal. I'm not sure what image of the #1 board you are looking at. Maybe it is a knock-off and not an genuine Arca-Swiss board?


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Besançon, France

    Re: Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board

    Hello from Besançon, France.

    I raised the same question to the Vogt family 10 years ago.
    In fact all recent 110 mm lens F-line boards have no ridge.
    Simpler to fabricate and thicker, hence more rigid. This is specially important for #3 boards that should accommodate heavy lenses.
    This was the answer I got directly form the manufacturer.

    I have both kinds of 110 mm F-line lens boards and I can guarantee that the modern design with no ridge is absolutely light-tight, at least as far as genuine Arca Swiss boards are concerned i.e. machined with the best possible precision.

    As far as #1 boards with no ridge are concerned, you'll notice that around the hole, the board is machined to be thinner. This is perfectly correct and is due to a strange requirement of #1 shutters, they require a thinner board than #0 shutters!

    #0 shutters, compur or copal accept board thickness from 1.5 mm to 4 mm
    #1 shutters, compur or copal, surprisingly, accept board thickness from 1.5 mm to 3 mm only.
    Prontor professional 01S or 1s = like #1, 1.5 to 3 mm.
    And #1 copal press, maximum 2 mm thickness.
    #3 shutters, compur or copal accept board thickness from 1.5 mm to 5 mm,
    prontor professional #3 = from 1.5 to 4 mm.

    (data read from the web site of S.K. Grimes 10 years ago)

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board

    Quote Originally Posted by spdrnl View Post

    I'm about to get a Fujinon 210mm CM-W for my Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic. This lens requires a 110mm Copal #1 board. My 110mm Copal #0 boards all have a ridge in the back, that falls in place on the camera. The 110mm Copal #1 board 091000.3 seems to lack this ridge, removing some extra light protection. Would anybody know off this matter?


    You can always add the ridge made DIY from a sheet of PVC.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Arca-Swiss 6x9 F-line classic Copal #1 board

    Hi Bob, Emmanuel and Hoffner,

    Thanks for the info! Summing up: the newer boards do not have or need the ridge. Drilling a larger hole in a Copal #0 is no use (thanks Emmanuel). @Bob, if you have an excess board that you would like to sell, I'm interested: the ridge just seems like a good idea.

    Cheers from Amsterdam,


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