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Thread: Location photography luncheon jar lids

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    Yes, I said I was getting off-line and heading out to make some pictures. And I am. Right after I finish packing the wicker lunch basket with tea and watercress sandwiches (with the crust cut off). My wife is English, you know.

    Opening jars for location photography rations is what this post is all about. For others, like myself, who have ever struggled with a vacuum jar lid there is now an ingenious, cheap little gadget which perfectly solves the problem. I use mine daily. So easy, even a girl can work it. (gotcha) No bulky expensive electrified countertop machines required.

    Do yourself a favor:,104,45477&ap=1

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    John, I used to live down the street from the Lee Valley Store in Ottawa, and I was always wandering in when I had a moment to see what new gadget they had come up with. Lots of great tools for woodworkers too.

  3. #3
    tim atherton's Avatar
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    Jul 1998

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    Beat me to it Ron, I was just going to say I was actually in our Lee Valley store yesterday looking for a couple of gizmos - ended up with one of those Japanese credit card sized levels for the camera instead of what I was looking f0r... oh and a nice Panama hat made out of hemp!

    Anyway John, from the things you have described inthe past that give value to your life, when you stepped through the door I think you would probably feel you had entered Nirvana :-)
    You'd be amazed how small the demand is for pictures of trees... - Fred Astaire to Audrey Hepburn blog

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    I use my pocket knife with the same effect... (also for the crustless sandwiches!)

  5. #5
    Resident Heretic Bruce Watson's Avatar
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    USA, North Carolina

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    I use a strap wrench for said jar opening duty. And yes, my wife can use it too ;-)

    I originally got it to help me get unscrew my ball head from my tripod. It's one of those dumb things you have to do if you are going to fly with your LF kit these days. Sigh...

    I found out about the strap wrench's way with jar lid removal when a recalcitrant salsa jar resisted all reasonable alternative methods of removing it's lid. Opening the salsa jar with the strap wrench proved to be nearly effortless. It's amazing what a little leverage can do.

    Bruce Watson

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    Those of us with Herculean strength never have this problem. =)

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Whittier, CA

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    tap the side of the lid with a knife in 3 different spots ( to create 3 light dents) and twist : it almost never fails.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Hudson Valley, NY

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    Just thump the bottom of the jar firmly with the heel or your hand. Accomplishes that same thing re: releasing the vacuum. And you always have your hand with you (unlike most other gadgets that invariably are somewhere else when you need them).

  9. #9

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    Just wedge a spoon under the lid and slightly push down.
    Works every time. :-)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Location photography luncheon jar lids

    My mate is Irish (Molly McGuire) and has a masters in counseling - ya see the jar has to WANT to open. Actually, she bangs it smartly and the jar pops open ... or breaks. My, those English ladies are so fussy.

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