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Thread: Enlarger lens size for 5x4 ?

  1. #11

    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    Atlanta, Georgia USA

    Re: Enlarger lens size for 5x4 ?

    ... and by using a longer focal length lens, you are using the center of the glass which is reputed to be the best part.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    The "Live Free or Die" state

    Re: Enlarger lens size for 5x4 ?

    I would stick to either a 135 or 150 on a bench enlarger. I sometimes use a 180mm for small prints, but I wouldn't buy that as my primary lens for 4x5. Properly aligned a quality lens will be sharp corner to corner. If the corners are fuzzy it's almost certainly an alignment issue.

  3. #13
    Marc! munz6869's Avatar
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    Re: Enlarger lens size for 5x4 ?

    Various folks have complemented my sharp prints (I wish they'd say nice things about composition or subject matter as well ) over the years, and I've used a 135mm Rodagon 90% of the time (and a 150mm Rodagon the rest). I can't say I've ever noticed distortion or vignetting ever, even printing edge to edge of a negative. I print everything at f/11 for sharpness and controllable exposure times, and rarely print larger than 16x12".


  4. #14
    Robert Oliver Robert Oliver's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Shell Beach, CA

    Re: Enlarger lens size for 5x4 ?

    I've been happy with my 135mm lens... wouldn't mind having a 150mm though
    Robert Oliver

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