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Thread: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

  1. #1
    EOTS's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Linz, Austria

    Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?


    bit desperate here, the socket of my foot pump for my Jobo 3005 is suddenly broken,
    and now 5 developed 8x10" slides are stuck in there.
    Quick fixes like gaffer tape or super glue did not work ...

    Now I want so save the films,
    until I get a new pump from somewhere ...

    In the meantime (24 to 48 hours),
    what is the best best to do for the wet film?

    a) Fill in a lot of tap water?
    b) Let it dry inside?
    c) some other suggestion?

    Best regards and thanks,

  2. #2

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    Can you put a hose into the Jobo, close it with your hand cupped around the hose and the opening, and use water pressure to open it? This works well for my jobo.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Feb 2000
    Reykjavík, Iceland

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    I got a new pump in a camping goods store. Like Jason said you could use water pressure to open up your 3005.
    I have had a JOBO since 25 years and after having broken an inner tube of my first 3005 I always fill the tank with water before using the pump and thus get a softer pressure to open up the tank.

  4. #4
    EOTS's Avatar
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    Feb 2011
    Linz, Austria

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    Wow, Jason, a thousand thanks!!! :-D
    @Gudmundur: thanks!

    I had tried that with my shower hose (without the head), but it seems I was not patient enough!

    This time I did not press my hands too firmly, but instead gave it some time, then finally it popped open like a charm!
    Knowing the hose trick, I can even save the money for the pump *gg*

    BTW, not only are they stabilized and hanging to dry now,
    also the use-before 1998 Fuji Astia Slide Film looks totally okay, stunning almost being 16 years over it's due date!

    So seems that everything turned out good :-)

    Best regards and thanks again,

  5. #5
    Christopher Barrett's Avatar
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    Aug 2014

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    I never got a pump for mine but just used a small piece or a 2x4 to knock the top off... sliding it along the drum, tapping the underside of the lid as I rotated it. #RedNeckDarkroom

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Houston, Texas

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    I use a wood chopstick, pull up while working around the drum. I will have to try the water hose and hand seal trick.


  7. #7
    A.K.A Lucky Bloke ;-)
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    Miami Beach, FL, USA

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    I would avoid using the pump at all with the 3005/3010 tanks. The stress to the tanks is too much. If the tank and the cover are clean enough you should be able to remove the cover with your fingers little by little rotating the tank in about 10-15 secs.

  8. #8
    Lachlan 717
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?


    You miss 100% of the shots you never take. -- Wayne Gretzky

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Adelaide, Australia

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    For future reference, you can blow into a 3xxx tank to open it. The only thing you need to be careful of is that it may bruise your face when the lid pops so to prevent that:
    - fill it 95% full with water first, to minimise the volume of air that can compress
    - put your hand in a ring around the opening to cushion your lips

    You can easily develop a couple of PSI with a breath, and that's tens of pounds of total force on the lid. And no risk of damaging the rim by prying it up!

  10. #10

    Re: Jobo 3005 pump broken: how save the wet film?

    I only used the pump once. Too much pressure inside the tank could rupture the very thin nine walls. I always used a 5x5 X10 inch chunk of hard wood and did exactly what Christopher did. You will mar the outside of the tank but that it a brand of honour. A tank used this way will last longer.


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