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Thread: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    West Linn, south of Portland, Oregon

    No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    If there is a thread or sticky where this belongs, please feel free to move it.

    I'm going to be visiting there soon and made a couple of phone calls in advance. According to Tony who ran a B/W lab on the island there is no E-6 or B/W processing on the island - he sends his own film to the mainland. There is some C-41 35mm on the island, but no sheet film processing at all.

    I'm midway into a project and was hoping to find a local lab. I'm not thrilled with the idea of packing a lab on vacation.

    If anyone knows more, I'd love to hear it.

  2. #2
    Daniel Stone's Avatar
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    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    Do you have to see your shots while traveling? If not, why not save it until you return home(Oregon?) and get it processed locally, or send it out?

    Rochelle(owner/operator) @ Data-Chrome in Santa Ana, CA does a fantastic job of E-6 processing, and her turnaround is lightning fast! Sometimes same-day(in, processed, then back out)!


    [edit] If you have reservations about x-ray damage, I still do myself TBH, and try and request a hand-check from TSA. However, upon a recent trip to Australia, I had no choice @ the Sydney airport or Fiji, and I haven't seen any ill effects that I could attribute to x-ray damage.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    I am not surprised, the Fuji machines I used while working in a lab could only handle up to medium format film.

    In British Columbia, Canada there are only 2 or 3 labs that can process E-6 film. Which is 2 or 3 more labs than the next 2 provinces have. I don't know if any of them can handle any LF film.

    My suggestion would be shoot as much b&w as possible, then develop it yourself. A Paterson 3 roll developing tank can hold 2 sheets at once easily, and the chemistry is most likely available somewhere there.

    Then mail any c-41 or e-6 film to a trusted lab before you leave.
    I don't know if I would trust any of my film on an airliner. I have nightmares of the security pulling all my film from the holders wondering what it is, or turning up the x-ray until it's all ruined.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    West Linn, south of Portland, Oregon

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    I'm fine about traveling with film on the plane, not an issue for me. My nieces and nephews (who will be there) have had no experience with large format film, so it would be very cool to show them up close the results.

    I could bring chemistry of course, it just adds a layer of complexity I hoped to avoid, and I probably won't do it.
    I might shoot some B/W, but the color there is dazzling.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    In my honest opinion your better of bringing your film to a lab you know and trust.

    The lab I worked at only changed their chemistry twice in the 3 years I worked there, and the second time was because they were forced to completely service their machine. I doubt that he was the only shop that negligent around. Most places don't seem to care about their film shooters now.

    Needless to say, I either saved up my film or sent it to another shop when I needed something developed quickly.

    My former boss didn't believe me when I told him that some places change their chemistry daily.

    Although the pay sucked while working in the lab, and I didn't agree with how often my former boss changed chemistry in any machine. It's one job that I am grateful to have had.
    It taught me more about this industry than I would have learned in a lifetime otherwise.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    north of the 49th

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    maybe paper negs for illustrating wonders of LF photography ? they can watch the developing process as well and have that 'aha' moment as well.
    notch codes ? I only use one film...

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    So long as you aren't shooting any high speed sheet film (?), I would just pack it all back home with you, let it go through the carry-on scanner, and process it at home or the lab of your choice.

  8. #8

    Join Date
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    West Linn, south of Portland, Oregon

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    Quote Originally Posted by Fred L View Post
    maybe paper negs for illustrating wonders of LF photography ? they can watch the developing process as well and have that 'aha' moment as well.
    This is a great idea, and I have some Harman Direct Positive, too. All I would really need is some paper developer and some fix, correct? (water stop). And since the paper is so slow it could even be developed in the shade, albeit not perfectly.


  9. #9
    Format Omnivore Brian C. Miller's Avatar
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    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul Cunningham View Post
    And since the paper is so slow it could even be developed in the shade, albeit not perfectly.
    It isn't that slow. You still need to develop it in the "dark" under a safelight. You'll also still need stop, as that paper won't stop developing immediately when you take it out of the bath.

    What about using Fujifilm FP100C?
    "It's the way to educate your eyes. Stare. Pry, listen, eavesdrop. Die knowing something. You are not here long." - Walker Evans

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 1998
    Loganville , GA

    Re: No lab that can handle sheet film on Maui

    Quote Originally Posted by Liquid Artist View Post
    In my honest opinion your better of bringing your film to a lab you know and trust.

    The lab I worked at only changed their chemistry twice in the 3 years I worked there, and the second time was because they were forced to completely service their machine. I doubt that he was the only shop that negligent around. Most places don't seem to care about their film shooters now.

    Needless to say, I either saved up my film or sent it to another shop when I needed something developed quickly.

    My former boss didn't believe me when I told him that some places change their chemistry daily.

    Although the pay sucked while working in the lab, and I didn't agree with how often my former boss changed chemistry in any machine. It's one job that I am grateful to have had.
    It taught me more about this industry than I would have learned in a lifetime otherwise.
    why would they change chemistry daily rather then replenish at the proper time?

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